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Sitting on the floor ,holding her knees and leaning to the wall, Saakshi went through the most suffering period of her life; her mind wandering through the haunting memories, how faith was kind enough to give back her life.

"Three times.... three times I was saved from the mouth of death. Dropping chandelier over me, poisoning in Juice, and a deadly accident... I was saved all the time somehow. But to know who was behind all this, a fourth attack was necessary. "


Saakshi was strolling around the greenhouse ,checking her own cultivated vegies. Her phone began to ring for the third time and she hated somebody disturbing while gardening. Fed up with the continuous ringing, she took the call.


"Saakshi . ", she heard a voice from behind. Keeping down the phone without disconnecting Saakshi looked at her so called brother, standing with a smile, rather fake.

"Saakshi... can you spare some minutes for your brother? "

She wished, if she could say a no, but instead she nodded in approval.

"I know, I was an unwanted child always.... a mistake done by Khurana... Even though I knew my father's name, I never wanted to see him but earned for his love. I knew till date all my expenses are taken care by him. But few months back, my wish to see him became my aim... because..." ; his tone was changing from smooth to evil . "... because, then I came to know about his wealth . "

Saakshi straightened her eyebrows in surprise. She was sure something was not right his sudden arrival. But he just came for money ? , that was the least she expected.

"I am here just for his money and power. I did a lot of query about the great Roy Group. And when I understood there is no son to Roy and Prithviraj, other than me, I was sure the power, the throne will be mine. "

Devaraj stepped forward to face Saakshi. "But... but you.... you spoiled everything.. ", Devaraj caught hold of her throat. The phone she held fell on the ground. "The moment I saw you cherishing all the luxuries that was denied to me ,made me furious. But when that Roy declared that the entire empire is for you.. it made me worse. " . Saakshi was struggling in his hold. She tried her best to loosen the hold, but he was more stronger.

"What not I did to finish you off, poison, chandelier , accident ,each time something will get you out. But this time no.. I myself am going to kill you.. "; He pointed the gun towards her . Devaraj pushed her back and shot three times. Blood oozed out from her body; she fell down losing her breath.

"SAAKSHI!!!", Roy from the other side of her connected call , screamed from the other side , pushed hard on the brake. . Prithviraj was too beside him in the car. Both of them , sensing the danger had already returned to home. By the time they reached they reached her, Saakshi was already unconscious.


"My Waaji , thus became dangerous for me. A little life that was left in me was not safe in Waaji. So they transferred me to New York, near Viswank for my treatment. Two months... it took whole two months for me to get out of that hospital bed. When I recovered papa sent me to you. By the time , in Waaji, I was declared as dead. "

A deep breath...

"Devaraj is not someone whom they can handle alone. They needed you, and Viswank. To take you both back to Waaji, they came here that day, in fake of Indian branch of RG. But... ", Saakshi could only sob. Sidhant would never forget that day, how he saw his father after 15 years,... in deathbed. Siddhant stood up from the bed and walked towards her, who was now standing near the balcony. Sun was starting to set, a little darkness was slowly covering the sky.

Sensing his presence , she continued without looking at his face. "That Will was written like, we can have legally right on the RG, only after we get married to each other. That's why papa asked you to marry me that soon. " She concluded her words. Siddhant kept his hand over her shoulder. Saakshi turned towards him , with eyes overflowing with tears.

"I am so sorry Siddhant. I never wanted to hide my identity from you. But when papa insisted to don't reveal it, I thought maybe he had some reasons for that. And I myself wanted to tell this to once we are out of this mess. Siddhant... the time I spend with you... was the most happiest period. You made me smile, laugh after so long. I did forget all my worries when I was with you. Siddhant please don't hate me... even though our marriage didn't had any love , even though it was our helplessness, that time when we were playing our undercover cop roles, I understood how hardly I fell for you. Please.... "

Sidhant never saw his lioness so miserable. This was enough to understand her love for him. And what all she suffered. Siddhant supped her cheeks., " God saved your life all these while to handover it to me. Who I have left in this world other than you.. I wont ever leave you... I swore, even death can not separate us.... its a promise. "

A kiss on her forehead was all necessary to brush off all the worries. She smiled as rested in his arms. Whereas Siddhant was enraged even though he hide it . Now the revenge is not only or his father and uncle, now its also for his love who fought alone for her life multiple times.


how are you guys..?? hope all are doing good/. My phone suddenly stopped working from last two three day. its not ready yet. :(

So we are standing in the last few days of this year... this decade.... Just look back to find your best memories... both happy and sad, because life is a mixture of both ;) .

By the way, I will be happy to hear some of the best memories you got this year.. comment it..

let me say mine...

1. I got a very special autograph our sweetest sweety!!!! Yes you heard it right... my lovely appu chechi bought it for me... A thank you is not enough for her. Someday surely I will get you a gift!!

2. When I quarreled so much to go for SAAHO on the very first day and I got succeded.

3. When pranu held their hands tight at LondonReunion.

HEHEHe.My all memories are related them. how funny right..perks of being A DIEHEART PRANUSHKIAN!!!!

Advanced happy New Year guys!!!

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