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Shinde was sitting opposite to Sidhanth , who was busy looking at the interiors of the office.  His viewing was distributed by a sound of file, landed on the table infront of him by the lady stood there.

"These are the reports. Refer this.. you will get a clear cut idea of the happenings "

Saakshi said as she seated on the next sofa cushion. He took the file which weighed a bit.

"Have you studied this report Ms.Saakshi? "

"Yes...why? " , She asked a bit confused.

"Ah.. then.. please tell me the important points in it.. "

She looked at him with twisted brows.

"Aah.. that... Generally I am lazy person. And above all, look at the size of this file... It's seems so heavy. I will take minimum 3 days to finish reading this... But we don't have that much time right... So..."

Saakshi rolled her eyes and kept her hands on hips. He smiled sheepishly at her.

"By the way , Sidhanth, where are you going to stay... I have heard you don't have a permanent residence.." , Shinde asked in concern.

"Yes sir.. I won't reside somewhere permanently. As you know , I am kind of secret investigator, I will move from place to place.  Normally I stay with my colleagues. If you arrange it... Ah.. it will be helpful..."

"Ok fine... Goswami..."

Goswami rushed to them the moment he heard Shinde's voice.
"Yes sir..."

"Goswami, can you accommodate Sidhanth in your house for a few days.."

"Why not sir... I will.. let me call my wife and inform about your arrival"

Sidhanth stopped Goswami when he took his phone to make the call.
"Goswami, aren't you bachelor?? "

"No sir..."

"Oh.. Shinde sir.. sorry I can't stay with him. It will be difficult for his family... So please... Don't you have unmarried staffs here.."

He asked as his look diverted to the arrogant lady, who seems busy with the files she bought.

"Saakshi ji,... I guess.. you are living alone..."

Saakshi looked up at him .

"Ah I mean, since you have no surname, I understood you are an orphan plus unmarried. You won't be staying in any hostel as your work is confidential. So.. if.. you have...a vacant room...in your house or apartment..."

He didn't complete as he found her glaring at him .  Shinde interrupted them by his opinion.

"Saakshi, he is right. You are alone in your apartment. And you both will be working together. So I don't think it's a bad idea. "

"But sir..."

"I know you are okay with it... Is it Saakshi."

As an obedient officer, she couldn't deny her superior's words. She nodded an okay.

"So come let's go home.. it's already 6:30, and I am so tired..."

Saakshi didn't said a word. She nodded her head.
Sidhanth and Saakshi went towards the car parking.

"Mr.Chakravarthy, you can Follow my car..."

"Why...ah I mean.. we are going to the same destination, so ... Why can't we go together... we can have some small talks....also Save fuel... don't you know."

Saakshi couldn't react as he got into the passenger seat before she could say anything. She got into the driving seat and drove .

*Bgm plays here*

The journey was quite. Sidhanth was busy observing the lady sat beside him. She was a good driver anyway. The car had a good speed, and she drove smoothly.

"Saakshi, won't you smile..." 

She averted her eyes towards him and returned to the road. Never in her life someone asked her this.

"When there is not any single reason for me to smile..,why should I "

She said in a low yet strong voice. Pain clearly visible in her sound.

"Now you have a reason. As you got a handsome friend, you can smile right.."

She looked at him again , now he blinked his eyes cutely. Her focus moved back to driving.

" Look Mr.Chakravarty, I am not a type of girl you think... So don't try to--"

"One min... Can you please stop me addressing 'Mr.Chakravarty',  Call me Sidhanth"

"Hm... Ok..."

This girl is tuff, thought Sidhanth as the drove through the streets.
"Can we have something before we go home. I am so hungry. Also we can discuss about the case "

She nodded as she felt the idea good, and she was hell hungry.

"Let's go to some dhabha (roadside shops) , it will be cool to have dinner outside at this cool climate , is it..."

She didn't reacted, but parked the car near a dhabha.
They both seated on a free table and ordered for some hot dishes. It was going to rain it seems.

The cool breeze were disturbing her small hair strands which let loose. And she looked adorable. Sidhanth was looking at her without even blinking eyes, a smile crept on his face.

"Don't look me like that Sidhanth. "

She said as she moved her fluttering hair behind ears. He smiled, as he noticed she is not looking to his face.

"Do you know one thing Saakshi, I am glad that I got a perfect arrogant partner like you. If you too was lazy like me, then our case won't solve anytime near. And if you got someone as strict as you, there won't be any fun.  So our pair is a perfect one..."

He said with a smirk.

"So ... Tell me about the case..."

She started...
"As you know... The ATM robberies are happening frequently for last three weeks in three different cities.  The main things I noted are, 1. The robber is withdrawing money from different accounts. That means , maybe he have stolen there ATM cards ,or else created a fake one.
   2. The robberies are happening on Saturday nights, between 11 to 12pm.
    And the last and important thing, which I noticed yesterday...  All the robberies are from the different branches of the same bank. "


"The Royal Bank."

Today was the best day

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Today was the best day..isnt it....😊😊😊😊😻😻😻😻😻😻
A certain kind of happiness is encapsulating me.... And all of the pranukians out here.....

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