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Siddhant, Saakshi and Goswami were seated in the car outside the airpot .

Goswami : " Sir , how did you find this Kalki..? You didn't said us about it. "

Sid : " Its not me Goswami, your madam found her. Ask her about it. She told me half an hour before "

Siddhant kept on staring at her. But she seemed not affected . "I have my own ways", that was what she said without looking at anyone. But her mind wandered to an incident an hour before.

An hour before...

She drove to a place which situated in the town. Taking a lift to the topmost floor, she rang the door bell of a room door.

"Get in Saakshi..". She entered as the door was not locked. She found Siddharth sitting infront of his laptop doing something.

"Any information ?", asked Siddharth.

"No , but I have an idea..."

Siddharth looked at her. Soon she took the laptop from him and spoke to him..

"Waji is an island, a private island. When I enquired more I found it was built by the Roy Group as its headquarters. So, there is no any airports. One can come to India, only by a private jet or a helicopter . If they are coming by a private jet, then we can find the person from the passengers list from airport. If he/she is not, then our task will become difficult".

Saakshi was continuously doing something on the laptop while speaking. Suddenly a smirk came on her face. "And today, luck is with us. A woman named Kalki is arriving today afternoon from Waji".


"Yes, Kalki legal advicer of Roy Group. Here is the details...", She moved the laptop towards him.


"Saakshi ji.... where have you lost...", Siddhant snipped his fingers infront of her eyes. She nodded her head, indicating nothing. Very soon Siddhant spotted Kalki coming out of the Airport.

"There she is... "

"Start the car Siddhant, we should follow her. "

The black BMW reached a local street. She got out of the car and walked towards the second floor of an old house. The team observed her. Soon Siddhant took out a helicam(drawn) and let it fly above, to the window of the same house. They observed the house sitting in the car through the laptop.

Inside the house an elderly man opened the cupboard . A small locker with number lock was there. He opened it and took the black box. He handed it over to Kalki. She took it with a face depicted atmost greed.


"Is this the black box? ", Asked Saakshi. Sidhanth nodded in agreement.

"Saakshi drive the car, follow her. I have some work.."


Before she could say anything he left from the car. Knocking on the window he gained her attention again. "Update me everything. Don't let the call cut.."

She gave a slight nod. He left to somewhere and lost in the crowd. Soon she occupied the driving seat and took her phone.
"Found the black box"

She typed in hurry and send the message . "Madam" , Goswami pointed to Kalki who got into her car. Saakshi started the car and followed her.


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