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Sidhanth and Saakshi came to the office straight from the hospital. The other team members were busy tracking Kalki's car.
"Any clue Danny..? "

"Yes sir, we are tracking her car with tracker that she attached to it. Also Goswami has went behind her."

Shinde came to them while attending a call. "Saakshi... You came back.. how are you feeling now. You should have take some rest. "

"Sir.. what are you saying.. how can she.. She is handling something big. What if that robber robs all the money and that Black Box when she is taking rest. No sir... She can't..."
Sidhanth used his words clearly making it feels like a perfect sarcasm.
She understood he was angry for not listening to him and came to office.

"Sir I am ok... "
Shinde nodded.

"Sir, Ma'am the car has stopped near the highway bridge road. "

Saakshi took a seat beside Danny.
"Danny switch to the cctv camera on the bridge road. "

"Ok ma'am"

Sidhanth made a call to Goswami who was following Kalki.
"Hello... Goswami.."

"Sir.. I am following her. She stopped her car near the bridge road and now walking towards a street. I am right behind her."

"Ok. Good. Keep following. Inform me when you get some information."

The call disconnected. He came towards the cctv footages.
"Danny, Cam 2, that street.. "

Saakshi soon spotted Kalki .
"Look, she is there. And she is getting into some building. "
Danny tried to focus more on the nameboard near the building. But it was very difficult to read.  Saakshi felt the place familiar.

Goswami made a call to Sidhanth at the same moment.
"Sir, she is getting into a bank.."

"Which bank"

"The Royal Bank", it was Saakshi who found it. Soon Goswami too confirmed it from the other side.
Sidhanth asked him to come back to office soon and cancelled the call.


Kalki made a call to Devaraj.
"Black Box has kept safely in your bank. Viswank asked me to come back. Don't let them take it from here."


"She must have kept the black box safe in the  Locker. ", Saakshi concluded .

Shinde : "If that robber couldn't track her, then how will he try to rob it.."

Sid : "To know it late, he is not a police like us. He is a thief. I am sure he must have found it . After all it's his favourite bank. He has done all his robberies from the same. "


Sidharth sat leaning on the chair examining the cctv footages.
"Royal Bank... Well done Saakshi. You are really clever to attach the tracker on her car."


The day was a hectic one. Both of them entered the apartment . Till now they haven't shared even a word. They retired to their rooms for a cool shower. When cold water touched her wound, she winced in pain. But soon it was replaced by a smile when she remembered how he took care of her, how he scolded for her carelessness.

She dried her hair and went to the kitchen. While she was taking the flour , her hand again gave her severe pain. "Aahh" . Sidhanth ran to the kitchen and found blood oozing out from her wound. She took a hold of her hand and made her sit in the sofa.

"Who asked you to remove the dressing over the cut"

He took the first aid box from the drawer.

"Ah.. that.. when I took shower, I removed--"

"Can't you then dress it back after the shower. "
His voice was rather tough.

"I.. I can't do it..alone.." , she mumbled.

"Oh yeah .. I am not a human being right. "  He seated next to her.

"Ouch..", she made sound when he applied medicine over her cut. He stopped for a moment and looked at her. She was closed her eyes tightly trying to bear the pain. "Is it that paining..? ". She didn't responded. He continued his work and completed dressing within some time.

He was about to get up when she held his hand. "Angry??"
He rolled his eyes without meeting hers.
"I'm sorry..". He looked back at her . Her eyes were already welled up.

"Hey.. why are you crying.. and No need of saying sorry. "

She hugged him tight and started to sob. "I didn't listen to you, and... I did behave rudely at the hospital. I know you care for me.. maybe alot... But I don't know, I am scared. Nobody has shown this much care or love for me. Whoever shown has left me alone... "

"So... What do you think.. I will leave you.. "

She kept her palm over his lips stopping him to speak more.
"I...am scared... I don't know why I feel so weak infront of you. I think....  I think, I am falling for you... Which I don't want to happen. "

He removed her palm and smirked.
"Why... Why you are stopping yourself.. Why are you afraid of love, when it's the best feeling ever one can experience. " He cupped her cheeks. Hot tears were brimming from her eyes. He gently rubbed it and kissed his eyes.

"Can't you be mine... Forever.. Just give me one chance, I will keep you as the queen of my heart. " 

She kept looking at him. Happy or sad... Accept or deny.. she didn't knew. "I believe Saakshi... Every night has a day, and you,  are my day . I promise I will never leave you. "

He held her cheeks and neared to her lips . She closed her eyes feeling him capturing her lips. She neither responded nor restricted. She decided to go in a flow, where ever the life leads her. Sidhanth expressed his unconditional love towards her through the passionate kiss.

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