“Really?” asked Gwen. “Or, you could just leave us alone, but I doubt that’s going to happen, so you want to know how I think this war will end; Anthony standing over you, with a gun, and shooting you in the head, and Franklin devoured by the walkers, and all of your men dead. That is how this war will end.”

           Daniel smiled, and then smacked Gwen. “Get off her” said Hannah, but Franklin smacked her, too. Daniel smacked them both one more time before saying “I want you to sit there and think about what you’ve done.” They then left the room, and left the girls in the dark.

           William stood on the second floor of the mall and stared down at Anthony, who was staring at the walkers, when Carly approached. “I’m worried about him” she said. “I’m worried he’ll hurt someone. So, I think we should talk to him.”

            “You’re right” said William. “But, I just want to give him space for a little bit. If he continues acing like this, then we can talk to him.” “What if he hurts someone in that time?” asked Carly. “I promise you Carly” said William. “He won’t hurt anyone.” They looked back down, but Anthony was gone. Suddenly, there were gunshots.

              They ran down the steps, and Tyler asked “What was that?” Everyone ran outside and saw Anthony shooting up into the air, drawing walkers. “Everyone” he said. “Pick a walker.” Immediately, Ted, Terry, and Ian stabbed a few walkers, but Anthony shouted “NO. You pick one and we put it in every room. That’s our plan for Daniel.” He grabbed a walker, and everyone else grabbed one as Anthony said “Sam, Quinn, hold the doors opened.”

              They filled the gate room with walkers before putting walkers into a game store. Then, they put walkers in an appliance store and then a video store, before every room on the bottom floor was filled. “We put string on the gate room” said Anthony. “And we lead it up to the second floor and whoever’s there can just pull the string up, and the gate can open, and the walkers will be let out. We can do that with the other gate stores, and we can hope that Daniel will be dumb enough to open the other doors.

             “We’ll have guns at specific locations, and some of us can snipe them from above. We’ll have someone keep lookout outside, and they can tell us if they’re here via the walkie-talkie. We can use those, and then we’ll know if Daniel’s here. We can win tis. After it’s over, we go to his camp and get Gwen and Hannah. Understood?” The group nodded, and they all went to prepare.

              Anthony sat in the food court and drank form a water bottle, as Carly approached. She sat down and asked “Do you think this is a little harsh, what we’re doing?” “I do” said Anthony. “Carly, I don’t want to do this. I have to do this. I have to beat Daniel. He threatened to kill all of you, and I don’t want any of you to die. You’re my family, and I care about you all.”

           “I understand” said Carly. “But, one of us could get hurt from the walkers.” “I know Carly” said Anthony. “But, it’s our only choice. I’m sorry Carly, but you have to agree with me.” “I guess I do” said Carly. “Thank you” said Anthony, and he walked off.

               Daniel loaded up his large machine gun as Franklin placed a bazooka in a truck. “You all know what to do” he said to his group. “We go in there and slaughter all of them. Then, we come back, and have fun with their final members.”

              Daniel walked into the room and turned on the light. “We’re leaving now” he said. “Well, I guess this is the last time we’ll see you” said Gwen. “We’ll miss you a lot” said Hannah. “We’ll always cherish the moment you beat us.”

            Daniel chuckled and said “It’s funny. I told Anthony that he was made to suffer, but I’m not going to make him suffer. I’ll make you suffer so much, that you’ll wish you were dead. Say goodbye to your loved one’s folks. You’ll never see them again.”

           He opened the door before facing them.  “Last chance to join my new world order.” Gwen stared at him with loathing before he said “Didn’t think so” and then he shut the door. “Make sure they don’t try anything” he said to two large men twice his size. “Got it sir” one said. Daniel looked at his half hand and said “Time to kill again.”

            Anthony stood on a walkway in the mall. He stared at the starry sky above him, and smiled at it. Suddenly, Sam appeared, and Anthony put his arm around him. “Dad” he said. “I know you love Gwen.” “I figured you did” said Anthony. “Well” said Sam. “After this is over, please tell her for me.”

            “I love you Sam” said Anthony. “Thank you, for, well, making me the proudest man alive.” Anthony knelt before Sam and said “If I don’t make it, I want you to run. Run as fast as you can, and don’t look back, because there’s no going back in this world. Alright?” Sam nodded, and he and his father hugged.

             It was very silent. The mall was completely pitch black. Suddenly, several truck drove through the cars at the front of the mall. Daniel Maine stepped out of one of them, with a devilish smile on his face. He then looked at all of his men and gave the order, with a shout of “STORM THE MALL AND KILL THEM ALL.”

On The Season Finale Of WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…


Daniel and his group run to the doors in what looks like slow motion.


The End


A teenage boy stares at a blonde girl down a hallway, and he smiles.


Is Here.


Daniel looks around the mall, but doesn’t see anyone. “COME OUT” he shouts.


Some Will Live


Then, a young adult kisses a woman with black hair, and a blonde girl looks disappointed.


Some Will Fall


Then, the gate is pulled off, as there is an echo of walkers, and a man kneels before a woman with a diamond ring.


Then, Daniel breathes heavily, with a bloody lip, and says “Now, there’s no going back.”


Find Out What Happens On The Season 4 Finale Of The Walking Dead.

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