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Hey my name is Y/n! I'm 17 years old and i have one brother. His name is Liam. He is 20 years old.( Andrew is older in this serie okay, Andrew is 40 in this serie) And my father? He is the manager of Shawn Mendes. I truly love my dad. My mom works a lot so i see her not that much. She is a writer so she is really busy. I love my family and my best friend. My best friend is Rose. And we are friends since we were 5 years old. And my life is ,beside that my father is the manger of the best singer of the whole world, pretty simple and normal. But yeah, lets start this story!-

"Goodmorning sweetheart" My mom said when i come in the kitchen. "Morning" i said. I walked to my mom and hugged her. "Hey dadda" i said to my dad and gave him a kiss. When i was younger i always called my dad Dadda. And now i still do it. "Goodmorning princess" My dad said and smiled at me. "Where is Liam?" I asked. "Probably by some friend darling" my mom said and smiled. "Yeah probably" my dad said a little stressed. My brother is a lot on party's and by friends. He is pretty populair. "Okay" i said. "Any plans today?" I asked when i sit down next to my dad. "Well, I have to go to the studio, Shawn writed some new songs so we are gonna record them" My dad said and smiled. "Thats cool!" I said and smiled. I already met Shawn, I think 8 times. Sometimes he comes with my dad to my home. I'm still a fangirl from Shawn, I always will. "And you mom?" I asked. "Oh i have a interview" My mom said and smiled. My mom is a famous writer so she has a lot of interviews. "Thats cool" i said and smiled. "You can come with me to the studio if you want?" My dad asked. "Yeah sure" i said and smiled. "Okay darling, we  are going in like a hour so make yourself ready!" my dad said and smiled at me. I nodded and walked to my room. I grabbed some clothes and take a shower. I changed in my clothes and did my hair and make up. I walked downstairs and grabbed a apple and a bottle of water. "I'm ready to go Dadda" i said. "Bye honey!" My mom said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Bye mom!" I said. My mom walked out our house and go inside her car. I go inside the car and my dad did the same. "Can I put some music on?" I asked. "Yeah sure darling" My dad said. I smiled and grabbed my phone. I put In my blood on from Shawn and singed the whole song along. "You never told me you could sing so good!" My dad said when the song was over. "I'm not that good dad" I said.  "Who is the music specialist?" My dad asked. "Ugh you dadda" i said. He smiled. "Please? Just sing one song with Shawn? One" My dad said and looked at me with puppy eyes. "Okay dad" i said and he smiled. "You know that i love you really much, right?" My dad asked. "Yes dad i know, i love you really much too" i said and smiled. I love my dad. He always understands me and always supports me. No matter what. "Where here" my dad said when we where at the studio. "Okay" I said and I stepped out the car and grabbed my bag. We walked inside and Shawn walked happy to us. "Hey Y/n!" Shawn said happy when he saw me. "Hey!" I said and hugged him. "Hey Andrew!" Shawn said when he saw my dad. "Hey" My dad said and we walked to the place where Shawn records his music. I sit down on the couch and saw how beautiful Shawn was laughing. He was talking to my dad and he probably made a joke or something. He looks so beautiful. Shawn started to sing and it was beautiful! He was singing Nerveus and i really like that song. "So i was in the car with y/n and... i figured out she can sing really good Shawn!" My dad said when Shawn was done. Shawn smiled at me. "Dad i'm not that good!" I said. "Not that discussion again honey" My dad said and smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Go in there and sing a song with him." My dad said. I sighed and go inside the studio. Shawn smiled and i smiled back ofcourse. I sit down next to him on a stool. "So sing... Like to be you together!" My dad said. I nodded and Shawn started with singing. I joined after a while and Shawn eyes go wide. When we were done Shawn was still staring at me. "You okay?" I asked.

Sorry for any grammar faults.

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