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~ "How was it?" My dad asked when I walked inside our house. "It was nice" I answered and walked to my room. I changed my clothes and laid in bed. I grabbed my phone and scrolled trough instagram. I saw some photos of Shawn making my heart beat faster. Damn that boy is hot. I scrolled futher till I saw a post that let me look weird. It was.....~

Shawn with another girl. The girl gives him a kiss on his cheeks and he smiles widely. My heart broke down a little. "Why am I hurted... its just a kiss on his cheek...." I whispered. "But he is smiling so widely" I whispered against myself. I laid my phone away and look at my ceiling. After overthinking for 10 minutes... I felt in a deep sleep. Only thinking about that stupid picture..
I waked up because of the sunlight. I walked to my closet and grabbed a cute outfit. I did my hear in a bun and did a basic make up look. I walked downstairs and sat down at the kitchen island. "Pancake?" My mom asked with a smile. "Yeah sure" I said back. She gave me a pancake and a glass of water. I eated my breakfast and walked to the livingroom. I putted the tv on and grabbed my phone to check social media. Ofcourse every fan account republish the foto of Shawn and the girl. My heart broke slowly. Even when it was just a normal picture. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Are you okay?" Liam asked when he came in the livingroom. "Yes don't worry" I said and gave him a fake smile. "Okay" Liam said and gave me a smile back. And he walked to the kitchen. I decided to go to Starbucks for a coffee. I told my parents and put a hoodie on to get regonised harder.
I arrived at Starbucks and walked inside. It was not that busy. In the back at a table in a corner I saw someone with a hoodie. I looked another time and saw that it was Shawn. I walked to the table across his and ordered my coffee. And then his eyes crossed mine. Shawn stood up and walked to my table. He sat down at the empty chair across mine. "Y/n I have to tell you something...." Shawn said. "Okay...." I said. He said......

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