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~•Dawn's POV•~

Somehow I had made it through. Somehow I was standing in the fourteenth place. Ji Su a spot before me, and a girl named Moon Byul-yi who was a rapper behind me in fifteenth. However, everyday became harder, every night I yearned for Paul's warmth, his dusky hair in my fingertips. I missed his grin when he knew I was genuinely happy. And I felt bad, I had missed so many life events for my own gain, so selfish. His first day of college, his birthday, his band gigs.

The only issue was that I'm so fulfilled here, the people liked me and I'm doing what I truly love, but not with him. This is all so hard.

I want to win, I want to have this experience because it's all that I have. So the stubborn in me was determined to win. I had somehow made my mind up.

This was the second to last week. Another twenty girls were getting kicked off - which might be me. And the final ten would compete next week for the four winning spots. The idol group spots - which very well could be me.

All thirty-one girls left were lining up in ranked order as the host explained this week's mission. "By now, there are only a few of you in each section - whether singing, dancing, or rap. There will be two teams in each section, and here they are now."

My team was me, a girl named Solar, a stage name her company had given her before the show had aired, and of course, Ji Su.

Aside from the verbal abuse from Ji Su bound to come, I was slightly excited, all we had to do was sing.

Ji Su was immediately headstrong and decided our song. Solar agreed in excitement, and after listening to it, I agreed that it would be a lot of fun. Though, I had an idea. "What if we made a smooth and jazzy sort of rendition? If you gave me tonight I could write it."

Ji Su scoffed, "That's a terrible idea, I—"

"I think that's an awesome idea," Solar remarked while Ji Su retreated.

I smiled at the new girl, she was much older than me, being at least twenty-three to my seventeen years of age. "Then I'll write it tonight. Do you guys want to evenly split up the solos?"

Solar yet again agreed, somehow cutting off Ji Su. "I'll do it! I think I know everyone's voice well enough." I was beginning to like her.

And Ji Su wasn't sure what to do.


I was in my room looking through sheet after sheet of my score. I grumbled, unsure of what to do in the final section. But I knew what might help.

The phone rang for a whole minute before he picked up groggily. Deep and resonant, he sounded, "Good morning."

"I need your help," I simply uttered.

I knew Paul, and sensed him spring up. "With what?"

"For the competition I'm writing a song, and it's gonna be jazzy-RnBish, and I was thinking of ending with a perfect authentic cadence, but I feel that's too boring. Should I end deceptive, because I don't like the sound of half. I'm just unsure."

"No harm in ending boringly if you've got so many weird chords in between." I was about to respond but Paul caught me, "Which I know you do."

I merely sighed in relief. "Paul thank you. I'm so  sorry for waking you, but I was driving myself insane and needed to hear your voice."

I was content when he stated, "I'm glad you did," knowing he wasn't one for sap.


Before I knew it, it was time to perform. Solar, who I had become great friends with was center, she was a truly fantastic vocalist. Ji Su was stage right and I was stage left, ready to show everyone what I've got. The only thing Ji Su showed this week was how truly nasty she could be.

I was really trying to do well and have fun with the audience. Winking at attentive listeners and even whispering, "Yeah, come on..." into the microphone after my first solo, which I hadn't done in practice at all. It caused a stir, and the audience went wild with cheers, whistles, and many assorted reactions.

Before the ranking ceremony, we were given our next assignment. Since there were only eleven girls, we would each have the chance to perform solo with any song of our choice. Now I really hoped I'd move on to next week.

Then the ranking ceremony began, starting with tenth. I zoned out, anxious behind belief, but luckily heard my name at sixth. Solar was in first and Ji Su was in fifth.

I'd get one last chance.

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