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~•Dawn's POV•~

How can someone say something like that? Why would someone say something like that? Why?

My brother--well, let me explain this. Ash isn't exactly my 'brother.' He's my half brother, his father married his mother and then quickly decided to cheat on her, and then came... me. My mother had no idea at the time, and my father begged for forgiveness and stayed with us for awhile, but eventually disappeared altogether. The nerve. My mother left years after, heartbroken, and she now lives is Seoul with her parents.

I lived with Ash and his mom for a few years, but I eventually ended up living by myself. It's actually comforting that Ash visits every now and again, because I grew up with him, and we can even practice Japanese with each other, and relive many childhood memories. I just... wish he came more often. I often found myself missing my brother.

Without any warning a tear slipped to my cheek, and Ash hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder and his arms firm around my back. "I hate that guy..." I whispered, my breath crooked now.


The next day in class I didn't want to look at him, not even glance. I couldn't bear it. Why'd he suddenly act up? Wasn't he just fine beforehand? So many questions had bubbled up inside my head. Basically eating away at me until the final hour of the day.

I sat down to my piano, with a heavy sigh. I arrived at the class twenty minutes early. I wanted to free myself of any stress before the real stress arrived.

I took my journal out of my bag. It was a small little journal, barely bigger than my head. My friend had painted the cover with stars. We had been friends since as long as I could remember. Until high school hit her, and her personality turned. Oh May, I miss the old times. Our band, you and me, we started it after all. The rest of the girls joined us, and we used to make beautiful music, until, you know, the incident. But I think it's for the best, after all, everyone leaves. The only constant in my life is my music.

I take this journal everywhere. I write anything in it, entrees, music, I think I could bring out a freshman year love letter to Jungkook by the flick of a finger. It's a keepsake? I guess...

My favorite thing about the journal is probably the foreseeable progression of my song writing. The language didn't matter to me, I'd write how I felt, through crushes, or depression, or a tough assignment. I wrote my way out. I smiled at the thought.

I've been working on a song recently, it was called "Fingertips." I was really in love with the chord progression on the work, I started working on this one after I left The Angels. It was a kind of to keep my sanity in check. But, it's turned out to becoming one of my proudest works.

Suddenly, I heard the door open abruptly. I looked to the boy with shaggy, purple locks. My shoulders tensed. I lost the privacy of the empty room, and applied my headphones into the keyboard.

Paul sat next to me, his assigned 'desk.' Why was he so early? I continued fiddling with the keys until he broke the silence, after he finished placing his bag on the floor.

"Thanks for sending your boyfriend after me." He smirked, with a piercing gaze. I couldn't even dare to attempt eye contact.

"Boyfriend?" I stuttered.


I rolled my eyes, and turned to face the boy. "He's my brother! That'd kind of be incest?"

"Oh come on, Dawn," I flinched at the fact that he used my name in a serious manner. "I can see right through your lies. He looks nothing like you."

"That's because I-I--We have the same father,  he um...did a lot of unforgivable things. So we're half-siblings." I fidgeted with my hands.

"Anyways, he threatened me so, thanks for the pointless violence."

"Violence?" I risked looking into his stoic, onyx eyes.

He rolled them. "Yeah, you know, senior boys, always wanting to fight."

"Except, apparently you."

"Right." I turned back to my piano, and continued writing.

It felt awkward with him by my side, but I tried my best to ignore him. And I did that pretty well, until we were forced to work together.


When our final bell rang, I slung my bag over my shoulder, and let it hang to my left hip, with my journal and textbooks safely inside. I swiftly walked through the halls to my locker, stuffing my unnecessary textbooks inside, humming something lightly to myself.

Without warning, my locker door slammed in my face, and in its stead was Serena. I slightly jumped back at the slam and quick appearance.

She used a teasing voice, flipping her honey hair. "Hey, Dawnie." I flinched at the nickname.

"What do you want?" I whispered. Her eyes flickered like a lightning storm.

"I just want to know how you're doing. Is that wrong?" A twisted smile flashed through her lips. I wasn't trusting. I wasn't stupid. Not anymore.

"Fine, thanks," I gave on a fake smile, and leave as quickly as I could.

Serena pulled on my shoulder drawing me back towards her. "That's a lie and you know it. You're not fine, and you won't ever be. You're basically ruined. Without us," I flinched, "You're absolutely no one. No talent, or personality. Good luck on your solo career. You know we don't and never will need you." She smirked, and left, and before the tears rolled down to my cheeks, I made a break for it, to the only place I could trust.

~•Paul's POV•~

"...Never will need you." I looked up from my locker, to a few lockers away. This bitch, Serena, of whom I absolutely dislike, was unnecessarily insulting an innocent junior. I looked closer to recognize the midnight blue locks of my very own trilingual... acquaintance, Dawn.

Serena left, plaguing the area with her sickening laughter. I saw Dawn's smiled break, and she began to run.

I don't know what had come over me, but I couldn't control my feet. They moved on their own, making their path to follow on Dawn's tail.

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