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~•Paul's POV•~

The first episode of Dawn's show had aired, so now I was just scrolling through the internet to find an option with English subtitles. When I finally found one after a search of pages and pages, I set the laptop comfortably in my lap and began to watch the intro. Intense music played as they displayed quick clips of almost all 101 girls, forming the show's logo. Though, I couldn't seem to find Dawn yet.

The next thing I saw was the host, a short man with non-excitable eyes. He explained the rules of the show. "Over the next 10 weeks, we will, as a nation, create Korea's hottest girl group. 101 girls from all over have come to compete. In 70 days, only four will remain. Today is the start of the competition, where our extremely talented judges will judge the girls based on four categories, voice, rap, dance, and visual.

"All girls auditioning for the vocal line have chosen a song and will perform on the stage with a mask on, to show no bias. They'll be judged on charisma and vocal technique. Rap contestants will be judged the same way.

"Dance and visual will also be judged one in the same. Although everyone will have to dance and sing, they will only be judged by our panel on their technique, choreography, and their moves and facials, meaning no mask for them.

"Now, all the girls will be placed into a tier based on the judges's opinions. From A-Tier all the way down to the lowest, F-Tier, these girls will be placed and reevaluated halfway through these 10 weeks.

"Now it's time to see what you've all been waiting for!"

The camera panned out to see loads of girls waiting to audition. I caught sight of Dawn for a mere second, she looked incredibly nervous.

I skipped through all the auditions until they began the voice ones. They really only showed snippets and the final placement, but a few of the girls seemed talented. After minutes upon minutes, Dawn walked on stage, introducing herself with a pink mask on. She sang an upbeat sort of jazz song, and they really only showed the chorus. But what I heard sounded phenomenal, it's been so long since I've heard her sing. And even I was annoyed when she was placed in the C-Tier. I guess it just gives her more of a chance to grow and show off to all of Korea.

I skipped through the rest of the girls, until the announcer showed back up on the screen. He explained, "Now that the auditions are over with, each tier has been split into three groups, and each group will randomly pick a song to perform and choreograph in a week's time.

~•Dawn's POV•~

There was only a few minutes until the first performance of the show. We were the first group to go and I was incredibly nervous, as my group was treating me incredibly poorly. I've never felt less confident. And to add to that, I've never performed in front of any sort of live audience, unless you count tapping the triangle at May and Misty's command.

Ji Su was arguing with another girl in our group over a costume malfunction. We were all in skimpy, neon blue and green outfits. Specifically, I was in a small black crop top, and high waisted shorts of the same color. Overtop was a cobalt blue, opened baseball jacket. The sleeves and logo were a lime green. The others girls all wore something similar, some in dresses, others in skirts and crop tops.

The host took his spot in front of the cameras as our group set ourselves up on stage. "Today are the first performances! Each group has been given an order, and they're reading to perform! First up is Group C-2 singing Truth!"

We were all piled on a bed, a set piece we had all decided would be cute to start the song's choreography. The crowd cheered as each of our faces popped up individually. When it was my turn to appear, my stomach dropped but I played it off with a smile. I got a few cheers and that helped me out with setting the tone for my portion of the entire performance.

The choreography was simple, so it didn't affect my vocals too much. I was able to sing through the chorus easily enough, but when I arrived at the start of the second verse my voice gave in slightly and I fell flat. I just hoped that the audience couldn't tell, I am known to be a perfectionist.

Our song was quickly over, and I decided to call Paul in the bathroom. I've been so busy, that we've barely talked. He picked up almost immediately, "Troublesome."

I smiled, excited at the sound of his voice. Slightly because it was in English. "Hi baby. What's up?"

"Nothing much, I'm actually heading to school right now." I could hear him sigh.

"How's school going? Are you driving?"

"No, no. Gary's actually driving me today--"

"--Tell him I say hi and that I miss him!"

Paul scoffed, "You don't miss me?"

I blushed, giggling. "Of course I do, weirdo."

There was a pause until Paul broke it with, "What are you doing right now?"

"I just finished my first performance of the show."

"And how'd it go?"

I quickly answered, "I sounded really sick. A lot of my notes were flat."

"You sound fine right now."

Another girl opened the door to the bathroom, and gestured for me to come out for the host's final thoughts. "I have to go, I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Okay," Paul was the first to hang up and I followed the girl back onto the stage.

The host gave everyone his final thoughts, telling everyone to vote for their favorite performance and performer. And after that, the lights went out and the anxieties were over for a small matter of time.

~•Paul's POV•~

Dawn's performance was great, but it wasn't nearly up to her level of musicianship. She also sounded incredibly sick, like she had told me on our call a week ago. I was slightly worried for her, but does it make me a bad boyfriend if I said I wanted her to come home quickly?

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