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~•Paul's POV•~

I couldn't even begin to describe what had come over me. My feet acted before my brain, if my brain had acted at all. I was still running, following the bluenette to her odd destination choice of the music room. Dawn had rushed there, even making an effort to slam the door behind her. Why had I suddenly decided to play hero? Must've been playing to much Overwatch...

I hesitated to turn the knob, I thought about what I could be getting myself into, but my mind made the decision this time, no matter how irrational.

When I opened the door, I saw Dawn's blue hair messily veiling her face. She sat in the corner of the room, hugging her knees. Her breath shaky and unsteady, she looked in my direction as the door opened. Her blue eyes were dilated and brighter than normal, it was clear that she was crying, a small tear rushing down her left cheek, another building in her right eye. I never wanted to see anyone like this...

The girl had seen me, and quickly rolled her eyes, trying to wipe away her tear. I involuntarily sat next to her. Uncomfortably close. She tensed.

"Hey," I uttered softly.

"Hi," Dawn whispered, trying to steady her breath, but it seemed that she wasn't doing so hot.

"You okay?" I asked, mentally face palming. Of course she wasn't? What were you saying, Paul? She hates that you're even here!

"Oh, never better," she mocked. Exactly. Then she laughed. A slight chuckle, really. Another tear filling her right eye.

"I know I'm probably not the person you'd want to talk to, but you can tell me what's wrong... If you'd like."

The girl's face went red, and she whispered, "I just don't want to be alone anymore..." Then, she rested her head on my shoulder. Was I missing something here?

"I'm right here," I whispered. What was this attitude?

She then said nothing, but tackled me into a bear hug, sobbing into my chest with uncontrollable tears.

Just in that moment, Miss Ferguson walked into the scene. And funnily enough, both Dawn and I, shot up from the ground. Dawn turned around, I'd assume to hide any embarrassment.

Miss Ferguson chuckled, and teased us. "You too are working hard on that assignment, I'm sure."

The woman smiled a toothy grin, and I calmly replied with, "We sure are." I walked out with Dawn following me, like a tail, plastering on a fake smile for Miss Ferguson to see.

"I'll walk you home, Dawn," I offered.

Her big ocean eyes shot up. "You don't have to."

"Let me say this again, I'll walk you home." The girl had seemed better by now. Her eyes were still big and sad, and any smart man could tell she'd been crying, but her breath was steady now. She'd gotten control of herself.

When we walked out of the doors of the building, she sighed, breathing in the fresh air. It was getting warmer this time of year.

We walked in silence for a minute, until she lightly stuttered, "So..."

I replied, "So."

"Uh, is there anything you do for fun?" Ah, she was trying to converse.

I sighed. "Easy, I make music with the guys."


"Gary Oak, Drew Hayden."

"Oh," Dawn uttered. "Gary's in my Chemistry class, sweet kid."

"Not really," I chuckled. She gave a small giggle too. "So, being a junior, what's that like?" I asked quietly.

We were far from the school now. A block from her house, I should've drove today, but I decided against it. I slowly regretted the decision more and more. That would've made this experience much less painful. Though, the girl... she wasn't as annoying as some of the girls I've dated. She was calmer, quieter, more thoughtful. I enjoyed the peace. And, her taste in music was pretty decent.

"Crappy honestly. I hate it, but it's whatever, you know? Only one more year left. It's not the end of the world." I chuckled at this, because a couple of minutes ago, it was the end of the world. Dawn thought for a moment."What about senior year?"

I groaned. "I just can't wait to leave."

"Oh my god, I know right?" Then we both unexpectedly laughed. Something that had caught me off guard.

Then, nothing existed but silence. Sweet silence. But my thoughts erupted "Dawn, are you sure you're okay?" My eyes pled into those dark diamonds of hers.

She smiled, but I didn't believe it for some reason. "Fine, Paul. But thanks for worrying." She paused. "You didn't have to do anything." Her nervous hands tugged her pastel pink oversized sweater down. With that she had paired ripped jean shorts, and a simple pair of black converse. Her bag was also a black shoulder sling over. It didn't look too overbearing or heavy. She just looked comfortable. Also embarrassed, very embarrassed.

"It's no problem." And almost on cue, we had arrived the at her house. We were at her doorstep, a small ledge, leading up to her scarlet red door.

Stormy oceans met illustrious silver, time stopped. I could almost feel myself leaning forward, my brain giving no direct information or control commands.

Dawn quickly stuttered, "Okay! Well thanks for walking me home!" She cracked small smile, and waved until her door was slammed shut.

What the hell was that?!

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