The Confession

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"So, Ash."

"Yeah," the teen tossed the baseball back to me, a hobby we had become accustomed to.

"Mrs. Anderson gave me this really cool opportunity, and I wanted your opinion on if I should take it or not." I threw the ball back to Ash, him drawn back as he caught it.

The boy smiled, eyes excited. "Okay?"

"So, there's this show in Korea where 100 girls are competing to become an idol group of four. Mrs. Anderson knows the producer and she asked me if I wanted to compete."

"That sounds so cool! Why don't you want to take it?"

I answered simply, my heart dropping slightly, "Paul."

Ash rolled his chocolate eyes. "Still with him?"

"Yeah, we're going out tonight actually..." I blushed, a rosy heat dusting my cheeks as I grinned. Though, I quickly brought myself back to reality. "But, if I went I could make something of myself. And stay with my mom and--"

"--Go," Ash answered. "If he's the only thing that's holding you here, I think you should go."


I drew my hair back to where the top was up and the back was flowing, curly. I did light makeup and wore a simple black dress. Paul was walking me to some fancy restaurant I didn't know. It felt nice to be spending time together not in my living room.

I sat waiting for a few minutes until I heard a knock at my door. I answered it, and there stood Paul. He wore a button-up shirt, and nice pants. He grinned as I stepped beside him, even in heels I was much shorter. "Hey Troublesome."

"Hi." I was so incredibly nervous, I knew I would have to tell Paul sooner or later, and I should just get it out of the way. But as we approached the place, I could feel my mouth getting dry.

It was a cute little place, brick walls and fairy lights around every corner. The tables were small and the staff seemed nice enough.

My hands were shaking and I was honestly surprised that Paul hadn't sensed my unease. "So, I signed up for classes today."

I smiled, "What'd you sign up for?"

"The basic stuff like English, Math, and then Music Ed."

"Music Education?" I giggled, "For younger kids or for high school?"

Paul chuckled knowing that I was only messing with him. I just couldn't see him working with younger kids but the guy was full of surprises. "I'm thinking for elementary."

My eyes widened, "Really? That's so cool." I then added, "Are you any good with kids?"

"Hardly, but I'm hoping I will be someday."

The food was brought out in phases, we now had breadsticks and salad, which was really all that I ordered.

Thinking it over, I thought that now was the best time to break the news. I nervously glanced anywhere but to the boy in front of me. "I actually need to tell you something."

"Shoot," was all Paul said.

"There's this show in Korea where 100 girls compete to let the country decide on the next girl idols--a group of four girls." I looked to the boy, so far so good. He was simply nodding along to my story. "Mrs. Anderson is a contact of one of the producers, and he was looking for talented girls in America for some stories. Mrs. Anderson asked if I wanted to compete, the company would provide everything else that I needed. Airfare, transportation, housing and schooling over there..."

~•Paul's POV•~

"...And I'm going."

My heart dropped, I suddenly felt lightheaded. Dawn was going to Korea and leaving me here? A million questions formed in my head and I couldn't distinguish the differences between frustration, confusion, sadness, and anger. "What?"

"I'm going to Korea, and I can see my mom, and--"

"No, I understand that!" I almost yelled, I was trying to keep my emotions in check, but the sudden news was heartbreaking, and I was incredibly angry. "Why?"

"Why?" The girl's teeth were gritting, though she was remaining calm somehow. "Because I've never experienced anything outside of this shit town, and for once someone actually believes in me and my ability."

I couldn't respond, I knew any response of mine would make things escalate and worsen.

Even so, the blunette continued on. "I'm going to see my mom for the first time in years. I'm pursuing music just like you."

"I stayed here for you," I choked out.

"I'm sorry," she met my eyes with her beautiful ocean orbs, rippling and bright. "I'll only be gone for a couple of months," she reassured. But was it assuring? Certainly not for me.

"Dawn I--"

"--It's okay if you hate me, it's selfish. I know that I'm doing it for myself. But I think you should know that I almost didn't go because of you."

My eyebrows furrowed in frustration, I looked down at our table. I muttered, "Dawn, I love you."

I heard her breath hitch, "What?"

I said it louder this time, as I knew that I meant it. "I love you."

I met her eyes, transfixed on every detail. I followed a tear as it formed in the corner of her eye. I watched as she choked out the words, "I love you too."

"I want to support you in every endeavor, but this one's going to be a little hard for me."

Hey guys!

This chapter honestly kind of sucks. I have lots of ideas for this story coming up, so hopefully things will get better.

Today was finally my last day of school so I'm hoping to work on a few things this summer for this account!

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter, and hopefully the next ones will be better.

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