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When I was a young girl, I feared loneliness. I feared people not being around me. I feared people to leave me in the dust. I wished to always have warmth, smiles, and others radiating around me. I desired nothing more than that. Just one person. That was all I needed. But, now, I've grown. I'm sixteen now. Although I haven't been here long, I've realized that this world is cruel. I've realized that my childhood wish was petty. At one point in your life, someone is going to leave you alone. I just wish... I just wish it wouldn't happen so often.

"Dawn, get your nose out of that notepad, we're trying to finish a song here." Misty, a fiery, charismatic red-head screeched, grabbing my attention, and my arm. I jumped at the sudden outburst of anger.

A lock of midnight blue fell into my eyes. I flashed a fake smile, a smile I've trained myself to etch onto my face, and nodded, "Sorry..." And I pulled myself from the desk, and followed the girl to where Misty and three other teens of our age had been waiting.

Apart from Misty, three girls were aligned in a row. May, was a caramel brunette, all pulled back with a red bandana. She had signature pale skin and bright blue eyes to go with everything. She was extremely happy, and always pulled into boy drama. You couldn't escape it. But aside from that, she was assuringly bossy. She was our lead singer.

Next to her, was Iris. She had what most of us would call purple hair that fell to her waist. She was much tanner than the rest of us, and had a chocolate patch of eyes to match. She always wore extremely odd clothing. And was extremely stylish for being out of style. She was usually quiet, but never forgot to critique us. She played the bass, and quite well.

Finally Serena. Serena was, how do I put this? A micro-manager. She's always trying to back seat drive our band. Although, she was quite pretty, with bright, loving blue eyes, and honey, shoulder length hair.

I played the piano. Small keyboard parts, here are there.

Together, we were The Angels.

Don't ask me, I didn't think of it...

"Alright, seems like we've just finished." May crossed through the room. Examining all of us. "Let's try it?" I kept my mouth shut.

May yelled out our role call. "Misty drums! Iris get on bass! Serena would you please tune your guitar and set up! And Dawn," I crossed over to my keyboard. "We have a very special part for you." I rolled my eyes as May reached into her back pocket. "The triangle! We have sheet music and everything!"

"That's fine, I can just make up a tune or harmony on the key--"

"No that's not necessary." Iris replied, cutting off my thought. "Especially the way you play..."

Don't be alarmed here, I was used to this treatment. They did this a lot, neglecting me and all.

I glanced to the sheet music they had oh-so carefully prepared for me, grasping the stick to hit the metal object with. I subconsciously muttered, "...it looks like I ring the triangle once in measure 8 and..." I scanned the sheet. "Oh, no that's it." I rolled my eyes.

May gave a short, fake pitied look and yelled, "Well if you have a problem with it, you can quit!"

I wish I could. But I can't let you win. This is a battle I can't afford to lose. I can't be alone again.

After a short second, Misty yelled, "1, 2, 3, 4!" And started beating her array of percussion instruments. Everyone soon happily joined in.

May began with a voice I can only describe as nasal strong. She took vocal lessons for a few weeks, but nothing seemed to help her, interestingly enough. It's my belief that she just wouldn't listen.

Alone [IkariShipping/Paul x Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now