Impossible Pair.

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~•Paul's POV•~

"Class, I believe it's about time we started today." Miss Ferguson made her way to the board. Dawn had stopped messing around on the piano, and everyone watched Miss Ferguson with curious eyes.

"The second semester began last week, and for the rest of the year, you all have one assignment." She paused for dramatic effect, "You must partner up and write a song. Of course, you all can choose. You have to write and perform your songs. Meaning that, yes, you must sing." I looked back to my phone in disinterest, I was never chosen to be a partner, and because of that, I usually worked alone. Which was fine by me.

"Paul, Dawn, could you both please come up to my desk." I pulled myself from the small keyboard I was assigned to sit by. And, rolling my eyes, casually walked to where I was told. As did the girl.

"Paul, as you probably know, you have no partner." She paused, shifting her eyes to Dawn. "Do you have a free period this period?"

"Yes, but I--"

Miss Ferguson had cut off the girl. "Great! Then you will work with Paul."

"WHAT?!" Our response was simultaneous.

"No buts, I expect great work from you two."

We both walked back, me with a grimace, and Dawn as confused as ever.

I rolled my eyes and faced the girl, circling her oceanic eyes. "So I guess we're partners."

She pressed her lips together in that of a thin line. "I guess..." Her eyes strayed away from my gaze. "So... What song should we write?"

"Don't know, don't care." I sighed.

"Well, we have options. I mean, we're a male and female, so a love song would probably be the easiest for a duet, but--"

"--I'd rather jump off of a cliff."

"Well, aren't you charming?" She laughed out. She's quick.

"We should write something fresh, maybe jazz?" I wanted this assignment to be done already.

"But it still has to be a duet." She finished.

"I'm fine with that. Are you?" I eyed the girl.

She nodded slightly, a small smile planted on her face.


The period ended, but we received each other's phone numbers. We'd gotten barely anything done, but we were planning on meeting at her house in two days. To get this crap done, and never have to see each other again.


I walked up to the door and knocked, my hand trembling. It grasped the guitar case that was strapped around my shoulder, for support. After a minute, a heard shuffling from inside. The girl opened her door, her blue eyes glossy, her smile fading, and she simply stated, quiet, "Come on in." And we entered.

Her house wasn't the biggest, it was actually quite small, but the inside was extremely neat, but... vacant, almost.

Dawn looked extremely tired, with deep bags and barely any makeup compared to her usual style, not that she ever wore much. Her dark blue hair was in a messy ponytail. She was adorned with leggings that crossed open an inch at the bottom, and a light pink sweatshirt with the numbers '91. Did she forget I was coming?

Before I could make a remark, she ran over to her open laptop on her counter. The glare was bad so I was incapable of seeing who she was talking to. But she started speaking extremely and oddly fast in a language I didn't understand. Then, without warning, slammed it together.

She took a seat on the sofa and gestured for me to join her. I did, and set my guitar down, as well. "Sorry, that was my mom." She sighed.

I had the urge to make a comment, to retort. But it was too sweet, I couldn't. I almost smiled, "Japanese or Korean?"

"Korean," She traced my eyes with her own. I had to look away. "It's nice, I can't remember the last time I talked to her. It felt really nice, there's no equivalent here, since Señora Anderson isn't the greatest at it. She's actually more of a beginner in Korean." She laughed. "My brother does speak Japanese, but, I don't see him too often, so it's just not the same, you know?" She seemed dazed, oddly. Why'd she feel the need to tell me all this?

"Unfortunately Danielle, I cannot relate. My entire family speaks English, alone." I chuckled. She didn't find it too funny, of course.

"Paul, my name is Dawn!" Her face turned hot with anger.

"Sorry DeeDee, didn't mean to upset you."

"Paul, I swear!"

"Dawn, it's not me. You're the one who started it." I smirked, chancing eye contact again.

She lightly elbowed me, laughing. Then, there was a pained silence between us. Until she squeaked, "So, the song?"

I rolled my eyes. "Right, the song."

"We're going with jazz?" She frowned slightly.

"I decided against it."

"Oh, so out of nowhere, you've just become the only person in charge of the group?" I nodded, humoring her, and she sighed, clearly too tired to handle my stubborn ways, as she rubbed her eyes.

She looked at me, yet again. "Paul." Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"What?" A smirk traced my face.


"Fine, what genre should we try? Punk?"

"God, no." Her lips sculpted a frown.


"No." She disagreed.

"Soft rock?" I suggested.

"I'd rather not."

"And you said I was being difficult? You're so troublesome."

"Troublesome?" She scoffed.

"Troublesome." I stated, repeating the words.

Her eyes seemed to darken with anger, but she shook it off, and began to ask the smartest thing to ever leave her mouth. "So you don't want to write a love song?"

"Like I said before, I'd rather jump off of a cliff."

"Glad to know the feelings mutual." She heaved. "But, how about a love song, anti-love song? I've written one before, but never sang it, it's a duet. I'm sure you could learn the chords easily?" She was trying not to show it, but she was pleading.

I hated to admit it, but it was brilliant. And it required no effort, because it was that of an existing song. "Sounds good, Troublesome."

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