Ursula's Party

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I stepped into the huge mansion unsure of what to think or feel. Immediately, there was loud music bound to conjure a headache, college students I somewhat recognized grinding on each other moments before their pointless hookups, and drunk idiots milling about.

Ursula caught me staring around the party, and quickly made her way over. She remarked, "You came!" She was dressed in thigh high boots, a tiny skirt, and a black crop top tied together with a bow displayed on her neck. Her hair was set down and wild, and I found glitter on her face everywhere I looked.

"No one said I came for you."

She fiddled with her bow choker. "Well you said so by simply coming. Checkmate."

I groaned, "Dont know if that's exactly the case." This made the Ursula girl bite her lip.

I wanted to leave already. There was absolutely no point for me to stay. The only reason I should've would to live in the college experience. To get hopelessly drunk and forget about my sadness for a while. Of course, the alcohol could strike my emotions and cause a reaction of tears, but it never had before, and I hardly ever cry, so I left Ursula in search of any alcohol in any style, unworried of any unwanted reaction.

I chuckled to myself as they only had a simple cheap beer. Broke college kids, understandable. That's partly why I stayed home with Reggie. Plus something in me was telling me that I might want to start saving for a round trip to Korea. Either I couldn't take it anymore or she would win and it be another year without her – both ways I know myself and know I'd be unable to take it anymore.

Taking a sip, the alcohol on my lips reminded me of Dawn's first and only time getting drunk. She spat insults at me, unable to balance her hatred and emerging feelings for me, incomprehensible. I remembered carrying her home, utterly mortified.

I remembered her cuddling up to me that night. Her soft snoring, her midnight blue hair coating her face, her soft peach scent.

I couldn't take it anymore, there was no substitute for her.

I left the party, and to entertain tipsy me, Dawn's show had a new subtitled episode.

The host and judges had split the girls into their groups, putting them into something they weren't strong in, an example being Ji Su, a vocalist got put into a rapping group. And Dawn, another vocalist, was put in a dance group. Though, that was a mistake because she excelled in her last dancing group.

The blunette flashed her signature smile that made my heart flutter slightly and embarrassingly. She immediately introduced herself to the rest of her group. Her influence on me, all the way across the world was much too strong. I don't know how she does it.

Songs were already chosen for them. And there was hardly any drama, except for Dawn breaking into tears, struggling with choreography this time around.

"To tell you the truth," she was stating in a bleary-eyed, red faced interview, "My mind is somewhere else entirely this week. I've never been this far from home. And I miss everyone I left behind in America. Ash, Gary, Drew, and Paul." At the mention of my name, there was a sparkle in her eyes. "I am extremely happy to be here and will give the competition my best, I just find myself struggling a little more this week, being away from all that I've ever known.

"I'm extremely stubborn and expect perfection in myself, so at this time I am unable to be as lenient with myself as I usually am. Please be patient with me, as you know I work extremely hard and enjoy what I do in the process."

I was so proud of her. It was true, she was hard on herself for no reason, but she admitted it to herself and an audience, which is something she was too prideful to do before she left. It was easy to sense how much she had grown.

They were montages of other people practicing, and soon enough, it was time for everyone to perform.

Dawn's group actually went last, but tipsy me was too drowsy to skip ahead, so I suffered through many performances I didn't care about.

Eventually, her group, and five girls, were setting for their performance. Dawn was in the middle and, it was sexy and I was almost jealous. I felt my cheeks getting red as I bit my lip.

She was front and center, in short shorts with a short-sleeved red velvet tank top. Emphasizing all of her features, and I felt jealous of every male in the building, watching this live. I could punch all of the scrawny-boned, dim-witted losers in the face, just to make the statement that she is mine.

Afterwards was a special ranking ceremony. Instead of kicking twenty girls off, they'd be kicking off thirty.

Would this mean she might be coming home?

They started off with the girl who placed thirty-first, they were safe for now. She was pitiful, happy tears in her eyes. They then sped through the next 10 contestants. The next five were unimportant, but Dawn had placed high — from forty-sixth to fourteenth.

I was shocked, excited, in disbelief, sad, and proud all at once. I guess I'd just have to wait a little longer.

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