19 - A satanic ritual dedicated to the 7 Dwarves and Red Bull

Start from the beginning

"That sounds reasonable. I'll ask Patty and you ask the rest of the Not So Fantastic 4?"

"Well... I was actually thinking it could be just the two of us."

Wait... what?!

"Will you hold it for a second, please?" I asked as emotionless as I could pretend to be.

"Yeah sure."

I put the phone in front of me and pressed the 'put call on hold' button. And not one second goes by when I'm already about to punch a wall and rip all of my hair off. What happened to the part where it was only supposed to be at school?! Because that's what I remember that I agreed with. Not having dinner!

I quickly grabbed the phone and rushed off to my brother's bedroom door. I knocked really loudly because of how much of a nervous reck I was right now (more than usual at least).

"If you're here and I'm not part of your list than you can come in. If I am and you're here to get your list deleted then I went missing." He shouted from the inside.

I opened the door quickly but didn't come in. "For a guy who managed to get into Medicine school in college, you really couldn't have picked a better excuse?"

"I assume I'm not part of your list then." He replied sounding relieved.

"I only opened the door. I didn't come in did I?"

I glared at him intensely trying to make him feel scared. But when you're 5'7" and you're older brother is 6'2", you sort of can't really look scary to him, which means that I quickly quit on the whole glaring thing really fast.

"What do you want anyways?" He asked laughing a bit at my face.

"He's asking me to go have dinner with him. Do I say yes or no?"

"Caroline, I'm not the one dating him."

"FAKE dating!" I corrected.

He laughed at me once again. I know that with Adam and the others I would have probably started punching them and called them jerks and all, but my brother is my brother and we have been dealing with each other for the past 17 years, so I don't really call him that stuff that much.

"Look, if you guys are friends, and you are (in your words) fake dating, you should at least try knowing each other a little better. Not personal life, but at least a bit more."

Now here's a quick fact about my brother: even though sometimes he is the childish one in the house, he has been the one giving me advice ever since 9th grade. So, normally whenever I have a problem, I reach out to him. And in those times, he is the most mature and comprehensive guy in the world.

But, like I said, sometimes he is pretty childish, because the moment he finished saying it, he instantly grabbed my phone with a goofy smile on his face. "And you need to socialise."

"Joseph!" I shouted.

But it was too late, because when I tried reaching my phone he had already clicked the freaking 'back to call' button.

"Hi, there. I just wanted to tell you that she accepts and that she will be free around 7.30pm. See y'a."

And then he finished the call.

"Guess what? You officially have a date tonight."

I know I said before that I don't usually call bad things to my brother, but at that moment he freaking deserved what was coming.

"You freaking son of a biscuit!"

"We have the same parents!"

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