Chapter Fifteen

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  I walked back into the room now wearing a bright-ish red dress.

  "You did what?" Candy yelled.

  "I'm tired of this. Now I have the control."

  "No. Siren, you don't understand. He always finds a way. Do you really think that you're the first to try something like this?" Her voice was filled with fear. 

  "He can't mess with us anymore now."

  "The second you entered this place you became his tool. He will regain control. Trust me when I tell you that the things he's capable of are worse than death."

  "I'm the last fairy. That makes me more powerful." Candy shook her head.

  "Your wrong, Siren. You're not a full fairy yet, and he comes from a bloodline of fairies with an ability so powerful that they were banished from the kingdom."

  "What! What's his ability?" I asked with shock. It was in that moment when I realized that I'd probably made the biggest mistake in my life.

  "No one knows.The ability slightly changes depending on what he uses it for."

  "Wait… how do you know this?" I asked with concern.

  "About a year ago I met him. I don't remember what he did to me, only the pain." Tears fell from her bright green eyes.

  Cherry ran into the room with a terrified expression. "They're coming for me. I saw it. They did not speak. They wrote everything down so I'd see it all. They're going to send me away. Siren, I killed my brother. If they take me away I will be executed."

  "Then we have to get you out. I know there's an exit. Tray knows were it is. If we find him we'll all be free."

  Cherry closed her eyes before opening them quickly. "It's dark. That's all I can see."

  "I think I know how to find him."


  And there I was, standing in the doorway of Goerge's office. All the files were back like the first time I came there. "Why am I not surprised to see you here? What do you want?" Asked Goerge. He was sitting at his desk writing on a piece of paper with a folder next to it. 

  "Where can I find Tray?" The pen Goerge was writing with snapped.

  "And why would I know that? Ask Dominick" he answered with annoyance. I guess I looked confused as he then clarified. "The leader of this place. Now leave me. You can find him on the stage." He pulled out a new pen and continued working.

  I walked out and headed to the stage. I hadn't been there since what happened with Candy. I never wanted to enter the stage room again, but I knew I had no choice.


  Dominick took me to a room in a hallway I was unfamiliar with. The room was different then the others. There was a bed in the far left corner and a wood dresser in the far right. The floor was covered with black carpet.

  "It's way to noise out there to have a conversation. What did you want to ask me?" 

  "Where can I find Tray?"

  "That I will not tell you."

  "And why not?" I asked, now frustrated.

  "Remember what I said to Tray during our first true encounter?" He smiled. I took a step back.

  "You didn't…" I said in a soft whisper.

  "No. Your right. I haven't had him killed yet." His voice sounded amused. It seemed like he found entertainment in everything I did. "You can save him."

  "I will not help you destroy the lives of so many to save the life of one. Even if he is my only chance out of here." I wanted to cry. After everything that happened. I hated that I wanted to save him. Dominick closed the door, then took his place in front of me once more.

  "Cry if you wish. There is no shame in it." His voice went slightly more serious. I looked into his eyes. 

  "What exactly would you gain from killing him? What would be the purpose in it?" I was now on the verge of tears despite not wanting to be.

  "I was hoping to use his betrayal against you. It's clearly not doing much in my favor though. Perhaps I'll let him live as I would gain nothing from it. You're the only person that I haven't been able to scare into control. It's quite frustrating. Maybe I should try a different method." He said the last part mostly to himself. 

  He looked at the wall behind me. "Tell you what. If you do just a couple things for me then I'll spear Tray's life and keep your little friend Cherry here. Sound like a plan?" His voice was back to regular. Which around me anyways was constantly amused.

  "What's that?" For once Dominick's words had truly caught my attention.

  "Stand against the wall." I waited for further instructions, being careful to not fall into some kind of trap. "Then sit. That's all." Confusion overwhelmed me. After all, it made no sense that I had to do so little to save the lives of two people. This was definitely a trap, and I was ready to fall into it. I was careful not to find myself in a situation that was caused by not waiting. I'm glad I waited, but I still couldn't have been prepared.

  I did as asked. Tray knew of an exit and even if Tray ended up being killed for some other reason Cherry would still be safe. Dominick looked surprised, as if he expected more of a fight. I wasn't always smart, but I wasn't stupid either. I willingly came with him. Weather I meant to or not in the end I did it to myself.

  "So what now" I asked. Dominick bent down in front of me and lifted my hands into his own. He then gripped my wrists and forced then against the wall just above my head. There was metal on those parts of the wall that I only noticed because it was cold against me skin. Metal come from the wall and surrounded the skinniest part of my wrists. 

  He got up and opened the door. After walking out he closed it behind him. I shouted as loud as I possibly could. "Damn you!"


I know that these past couple chapters have been kinda weird. I haven't really planned very far ahead for the next couple chapters so it will be a journey for me to. Sofar I have a planned ending however something tells me I'm going to in the end change the planned ending. It happens every time. I preperation for this I came up with some more ideas.

Anyways how are you liking this story sofar?

Also how have you been doing?

Captured Wings: 1st draftTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang