Chapter Seven

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 Tray and Goerge watched as I repeatedly got hit. I had never felt pain outside of the pain I caused myself before this. Lucas has the ability to make another's ability stronger. It made Goerge's ability last hours instead of seconds.

  "I already told you! I don't know!" I yelled. 

  "Yeah. Well tell me again! What are they planning to do with the others?"

  "We don't have the right to ask that," I said, remembering the conversation I had with Goerge. Lucas looked surprised by my response. 

  "You know you could have saved yourself alot of pain had you said that earlier." The pole came down, and Tray uncuffed me.

  "Where's the bathroom?" I asked on the way back to my cage. We walked past my room and stopped at the room next to it. I walked in and did my thing. After washing my hands I finally looked up in the mirror. My face was bloody, and I had a black eye. My hair looked worse then when it did after not brushing it for a weak.


  "What happened to you?" Cherry asked when I returned. 

  "Goerge turned my ability off, and Lucas made it last longer."


  "They brought me to the interrogation training room. Lucas has the ability to make other abilities stronger. Instead of seconds Goerge can turn off my ability for hours at a time."

  "I'm not surprised. Most abilities can only be used by one person. Sometimes it can be used by two people, however it's not as strong. Then there is Goerge's ability which is a more common one. About ten people have the same ability. I'm guessing you're probably going to meet at least one more person like Goerge."

  "The door was unlocked. I found Goerge's office and all the folders. Cherry, I am so sorry for what happened." I almost cried when speaking those words.

  "You read the papers! Oh no. He didn't see you looking at them, did he?" she asked in a frightened whisper.

  "He did. Apparently he's the one who writes them."

  "I hope he's not going to say anything. Only the red jacket woman is allowed to look at those papers. I think she's in the group that runs things."

  "She's the one that took me to the interrogation room." Cherry sat up in her cage.

  "You have to get out of here. Most people that go with her never come back."

  "I've been looking for ways out ever since I got here." Strangers came in and handed small plates of food to people. All the plates had small amounts of mashed potatoes on them. I looked around to see that many of the people in the front rows didn't get any. 

  "They want to keep us weak, so we only get food once a week," Cherry explained. 

  "Why don't we all just use are abilities together?" I asked.

  "These cages have shields around them. Almost everyone has tried at least once, but we always fail. No one has a strong enough ability."


  "Heck no. I'm not going back there unless I can defend myself."

  "You won't be training with Lucas or Goerge this time." I looked up in confusion. I knew this wasn't something I could win. I opened the door and walked to the interrogation training room.

  Sitting in the center of the room was a girl who looked exacly like me. "Today you're going to fight Candy. Twin against twin. This should be interesting," Lucas said from behind the glass screen.

  "Let's begin." Candy's voice was a mix of sadness and anger. I didn't blame her. After all, she was raised by crazy people. She didn't seem afraid though. 

  She stood up and got into a fighting position. I waited for my ability to disappear, but it never did. Candy came from behind me and threw me to the ground. I still had my ability. Candy wasn't injured though. It didn't make any sense. 

  "That's enough." Lucas called out. Tray helped me off the floor.

  "What just happened?"

  "Training is over. You can definitely survive an interrogation. They wanted to see if you could turn your ability off on your own. It's a good thing you can. Candy doesn't have one. I grabbed the wrong twin. By the time we found out it was too late. We had to wait until we could take you. Fortunately the time passed quickly."

  "Is training usually that short?"

  "No. I convinced them to make the training as short as possible. Your first interrogation is in about three weeks. Also you no longer have to go back to your cage. Now that training is over your one of us." He sounded like he didn't want me to be one of them. It was like he didn't even want me there. It surprised me. I don't know why though. He is a crazy person. 

  "I do have a request before I return to my room... I want Cherry out of her cage to. We can share a room." Tray nodded.

  "I'll talk to the others. Don't be surprised if it doesn't happen. Cherry doesn't have any rights here. People who try to kill one of us never do." 

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