Chapter Twenty-two

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  "Well go on! Since your so power hungry then take it." Of course giving him my powers was far from what I was planning to do. One blast. That's all I thought it would take to end this. Dominick walked closer until there was barely any space between us. I hoped he couldn't tell how badly I was shaking, but I knew he could. I was scared. How could I not be? He killed my sister so easily, and I couldn't stop him. I was the legendary fairy though. Whatever that was supposed to be. Even so, he had overpowered me so many times.

  "I don't know what you're playing at, but it's not going to work." I held out a hand.

  "Just take it and leave me alone. Unless you don't want it after all." He took my hand. Big mistake! One blast. Only… it wasn't working. Blast apon blast, and none hit him. I could feel my energy being drained. I felt like I was going to black out, much like I did when Goerge and I were trying to save Tray and Matt. "What…what are you doing to me?" I asked. It had become painful, but not a pain I can really describe. My mind felt like it was collapsing sort of. Like I was losing my mind.

  "I knew it was a trap. Siren, you don't even know the true power of what you call my mind tricks," he replied in a serious tone.

  "Why do you even want my power? Your only half fairy, and your still stronger than me," I cried.

  "That's true." He left up my chin so I was forced to look into his eyes. "But someday that will no longer be true. Someday the powers of legendary fairy will be revealed, and when that happens I plan to use your power to destroy the world and take over the entire universe."

  "Just leave me alone. You've already taken everything from me. If I'm still not under your control by now then what makes you think I ever will be?"

  "Because there is nothing left for you in the other dimension."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Sixteen years ago you disappeared off the face of the earth. As far as everyone knows, you're dead. Keep in mind even if you do go back it's been sixteen years, and yet your still twelve. How will you explain that? Because the second you mention the fairy dimension the humans will kill you."

  "What?" I whispered. "But… how? Sixteen years? I've been here for sixteen years?" I shouted. I suddenly felt hopeless. Sixteen years. Dominick nodded.

  "Time works differently here. It's now May 28th, 2106 in the other dimension." No, I thought. Shock filled me. I could never return to my old life, and for once Dominick was right. If I said anything about what had happened to me the humans would likely kill me or send me off to scientists. I could feel teardrops rolling down my cheeks. 

  "I need to go outside. I need to see my home dimension one more time before it's destroyed," I whispered. Dominick released my hand, and I wiped away my tears. 

  "Fine." I had completely lost hope after this. Dominick could sense that. It was likely the only reason he accepted my request. I followed Dominick to the exit. He opened the door for me. I gazed up at the moon. Tears rolled down my cheeks again. I stepped outside, and closed my eyes. I could feel Dominick's discomfort from that steaming off of him. "Siren, time to go. Siren!" I jumped at him tone. 

  "It's been less than a minute," I argued. Just because I had lost hope didn't mean I was going to give into his demands. When I said my home dimension I was talking about the fairy dimension. 

  "Siren, give up." Damn it, I thought. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He probably already knew my plan. "What will it take? What do I have to do to get you on my side?" Dominick shouted.

  "You can die for everything you've done," I spit back at him.

  "Yeah. That's not happening. Next."

  "You can let me go back. If they do try to kill me then I'll have no choice but to protect myself. Your mission is to take over the universe and destroy earth. So killing a couple humans isn't enough. Even if I did help you, I would gain nothing from it but guilt. That's not something I want more of."

  "It's not like they would even know what hit them until it's too late."

  "True. But when will you get it through your head that I will never help you." What he didn't know was that well we were wasting time talking I was gathering as much energy as possible. I didn't want anymore people to die, but I was suffocating in that building. The last time I was able to use a really powerful attack was when I had that battle with Dominick outside. 

  "Like I said, I will not give up. You can't fight me forever. Now let's go!"

  "Just a little longer. Please. Just a couple minutes more. Besides, if I try anything then you'll just use your powers on me again." I tried to keep my voice as relaxed as possible.

  "Siren, I can tell your gathering energy. I'm not sure what for, but whatever it is I won't let you do it." 

  "To late!" I shouted, shoving him into the building. I released all of the energy along will all the power I could. A large wave of energy rippled throughout the entire dimension, destroying everything in its path. I was knocked to the ground. Pain ran through my body. It felt like I was being crushed and suffocated. The building was now in ashes. The ground moved from underneath me. A crack formed and I fell into the dark pit it had created. The fall seemed to last forever until I finally hit the ground with a hard thud. The air continued to rippled until I was surrounded by dirt and the earth was collapsing. No. I had done much more than just destroyed the fairy dimension. Every version of the earth except for the one in the human dimension had been obliterated by my power. This wasn't what I wanted. I never meant for this to happen. I watched as dimension upon dimension were turned to dust. This must of been what Cristilleya meant when she said my power would turn to dark energy. More then anything, I wanted to go back in time and stop all of this from happening.

  The ripples stopped, leaving me in a cloud of gray smoke. Then I realized that I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet anymore. Were am I? I thought. My breathing was heavy. Exhaustion flooded me. It was strangely calming. A wave of peace washed over the human dimension. I looked down to see the green earth of the human dimension. I could feel peace. I closed my eyes and saw Tray and Matt peaceful walking alongside some humans. So I had been successful after all. Only I could never enjoy this world. Because I know the cost of which this could be possible, and I hated myself for it.

  A shadowy figure flashed past me, and Candy slowly walked towards me. But how? I rushed into her arms more happy than I ever was before. But it was nothing more than an illusion.


Well this book is now complete. Holy moly. It's been almost 5 months since I published the 1st chapter. I almost can't believe it's over. I'm thinking about writing a Q&A so if you have any questions make sure to right them in the comments!

Also thankyou so much for reading this story and for showing all your support throughout this journey!

Captured Wings: 1st draftWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt