Chapter Eight

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 "I haven't been outside of the cage room in so long. I can't believe they agreed to your request," Cherry said happily.

  "I can't believe it either. But as exciting as this is, we have to find a way out of here," I whispered back. Our room had two beds and a dresser to put some clothing in. We each got some plain colored dresses. "Finding a way out would be so much easier if we could both leave. I need to look at some more papers so we have a better idea of everyone's abilities."

   Cherry nodded. Tray walked in. "Come with me. Tonight's show is about to begin." His voice sounded panicked. "They're going to kill Candy!"

  "What!" I ran to the cage room. The red jacket woman took her behind the stage. After she left I snuck into the back. "Go find Tray. He must think that you are me. I'm going to take your place." I was terrified of what was to come. Why would they kill Candy?

  She nodded. I sat down in her chair. The woman from be for rolled me out to the stage. My breathing was heavy. "Stop!" Candy shouted. Goerge grabbed Candy and hit her in the head so hard that it should have knocked her out. But it didn't. Goerge fell to the floor, unconscious. 

  Candy gasped as she looked behind her. She ran to the red jacket woman and punched her in the face. When I first met Goerge I did the same thing. The memory flashed through my mind. Lucas came from the back of the room and threw Candy in my old cage. He put the neck chain on her. Lucas smiled as he pulled the chain up, forcing her to look at the stage.

  "Tray!" The red jacket woman called. 

  "Yes, Kaden."

  "Kill Candy! And make it bloody!" Kaden ordered. 

  "No!" Candy shouted. "I'm Candy! Don't kill her!"

  "Don't listen to her!" Kaden yelled. Everyone stopped moving except for Tray and I.

  "What are you doing?" Tray yelled.

  "I can't let them kill Candy!"

  "Candy is the reason your here. She found the folder that contains her papers. When she found out about you she came up with a plan to bring you here. The leader loved it, so she found you. Besides, you don't even know her. Why would you risk your life for a stranger?"

  "Because she's not a stranger. At night I would have dreams about a girl that looked exactly like me. I thought they were just dreams. I didn't realize they were pieces of Candy's life." I hadn't thought about those dreams in so long. 

  "I'm sorry! I promise it'll never happen again!" Candy's checks were soaked with tears. 

  "It's too late for apologies. Trying to run away is something that will not be forgiven without punishment!" Candy shook her head as the man I now know as Lucas came closer. He grabbed Candy by her hair and threw her against the wall. She cried non stop as the sound of a bone cracking echoed throughout the room. 

  I was ten when I had that dream. A chill went down my spine as I recalled the memory. "The things that happened to Candy were not your fault. Are you really going to make her watch you die after she tried to stop it?" I shook my head.

  "What am I supposed to do? I'm not going to let her die."

  "You don't have to. Just admit to not being Candy, and we'll think of something." I didn't believe him. I sighed. Time unfroze. 

  I got up and walked to the table with the covered tray from tonight's show. Everyone looked confused. I looked over at Kaden to see her confusion turned to anger. I uncovered the tray and grabbed the first thing I touched. To my surprise, it was a mirror. The hit the mirror against the table and picked up the biggest shard of glass. I held it to my throat.

  "I am Siren!" I yelled. I could feel my ability slipping away. No! I will not let them control me! I thought. Something in that moment shattered inside me. I'm not sure how to explain it. It was like when you and someone else tugs at a paper. In that moment the paper ripped. It didn't matter what anyone could do. Nothing could stop me.

  "Let Candy go! If you don't"- I moved the glass closer to me- "then I will die. Your abilities are useless against me."

  "Stop!" Tray yelled. I didn't care. Once Candy was safe I was going to put my plan into action. I was going to escape, and I was going to take Candy with me.

  Kaden slowly walked over to me. "Let her go," she commanded Lucas. She gave me a death stare. It looked like she wanted me dead more than anything. Then I realized she really was giving me a death stare. "Why aren't you dying!" Kaden asked furiously. She fell to the ground, gasping for air. "What's going on?"

  "I can mirror things, remember? Didn't you read the papers?" I decided to finally name my ability. Not that it really mattered. 

  I didn't know what to expect, but I definitely was not expecting what happened. Kaden took another breath of air. It was her last. I gasped as I realized I had killed her. Everyone that worked there gave me a quick baw. Lucas walked to the stage.

  "Get rid of the body. Tonight never happened." What? Was all I could think. 

Captured Wings: 1st draftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora