Chapter Twenty-one

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  Siren's glare was fiercer than I had ever seen it. This was what I had been waiting for. She ran to Candy. The shadow fairy hybrid transported me to were Siren was standing as she watched me kill her sister. 

  "Candy! Wake up! You have to wake up! Please! Don't die. Not now. Please don't leave me." Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall. She looked back at me, still crying. "I'm going to kill you!" Siren shouted. I laughed. I was stronger and had three years more life experience than her. She ran at me, full speed. A bright light surrounded her. "Die, Dominick!" 

  The light spread, bringing light to the darkest corners of the hallway. The light slowly faded. "No, Siren!" It was Cristilleya! "Siren, you mustn't do this! Not now! If you do then your powers will be filled with dark energy that will someday destroy you!"

  "I don't care! He killed Candy!" Siren shouted.

  "Please don't do this," Cristilleya begged. Siren stopped running as Cristilleya appeared in front of her.

  "Get out of my way!" Cristilleya didn't move. "If you don't then I'll forever banish you from my mind." Cristilleya took a couple steps closer before closing her eyes and merging with Siren. It felt as if the word had stopped. I had never felt such a strong energy before. A strong wind blasted me into the wall behind me. No! She really was going to kill me if this kept up. 

  I gazed into her eyes as she walked closer. I had never seen something so beautiful. Her bright green eyes sparkled with fury. She wore a long sleeved white shirt with a pink, flowy skirt. Wait! But that's impossible! I thought. Every fairy to ever exist had golden wings except for the legendary fairy, a fairy who was said to not exist yet. A fairy said to have almost unlimited power. A fairy that once awakened would have the power to destroy planets with a single teardrop. They said that she would have giant, silver wings and would be the most beautiful creature to ever exist in any world. They were right. 

  I remember Tray bringing me into the past to show me what happened. He also showed me my family and what happened to them. Well we were there many legends of the legendary fairy were told. She could be immortal if she wanted and more powerful than any being. Did Siren even know of her powers? I asked myself. Whether she did or not, I had to think fast.

  "Siren, please don't kill me! I can bring her back!" I lied. 

  "Not even the legendary fairy can bring someone back from the dead. If someone really could then I'd be gone and looking for that person."

  So she doesn't know who she really is. "Siren, you don't know that for sure."

  "Yes I do! Cristilleya found her a while ago, and not even she can bring her back. She told me this in a dream a while back. You killed Candy, and she's never coming back!" Siren shouted in fury. 

  "Siren, the legendary fairy can destroy this planet with a single teardrop!" I shouted back at her. She dropped to the floor. 

  "What did you say?" Shock filled her voice. What just happened, I thought. Then it clicked. Siren told me that Cristilleya told her that she couldn't transform as long as I had control over her. In order to get her to listen Cristilleya likely told her how powerful she was.

  "I said that the legendary fairy has the power to destroy this planet with a single teardrop!" Siren looked down.

  "It couldn't be," she whispered. "Cristilleya said the same thing, only it's me. That's not possible!" Her voice shook with terror, her eyes filled with fright. That's when the thought hit me. Her new discovery and powers would likely drive her to do all the work for me. 

Captured Wings: 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now