Chapter Eighteen

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  I woke up chained to the same wall I was before. I guessed that Goerge had knocked me out. Anyways I was not going through this again! Last time I was afraid to unleash my power out of fear that I would awaken the fairy. After using my powers that night my fear was nowhere near as great. I focused every part of me on the cuffs that held me captive. 

  I blinked and opened my eyes once more to find myself surrounded by flames of blue fire. Even though the flames were touching me no harm to me came. 

  Dominick ran into the room with an expression of pure panic. He ran to me and unlocked the cuffs. He then took my hands and forced me up. 

  I suddenly felt weak, and the flames went out. I fell into Dominick's arms. From the look in his eyes I could tell that he knew what I had done. He pushed me against the wall and pinned me there with one hand.

  Wak! His other hand slapped me against the face. I could feel a sharp pain after. 

  "Don't you try anything like that again!"

  I flinched at his words. "Do you understand?" He shouted.

  "And why not?" I shouted, choosing to ignore the second part. 

  "You agreed to this. You now belong to me. If you know what's good for you then don't ask questions." He smiled and gripped one of my wrists. Dominick's grip was so tight that it hurt.

  "I'm not just some object! I'm a living person, and you don't own me!" I shouted back. My legs felt heavy and I fell to the ground kneeling before him. He was using his telekinesis on me, and I hated it. Between his mind tricks and his telekinetic abilities I was basically under his control. 

  "You are what I say you are!" Anger filled his voice. 

  "Remember that your not the only person who has abilities. Right not I could search through your memories and make you relive your worst ones."

  "Try me. I dare you!" Dominick snapped. I tried to use my abilities on him but it was like he had disabled them. "That's what I thought."

  "I'm sorry" I softly whispered. "I'll try not to start anymore fires." I looked around to see that no damage had been done to the room. "Please, let me at least be able to walk freely around the room."

  He shook his head. "I can't trust you now. I'll be leaving Goerge in here to keep an eye on you. Since he can no longer suppress your abilities by himself Lucas will be outside. If you try anything it won't go unpunished again. Do you understand?"


  "Good. I'll check on you later. Now put on the cuffs." I did so knowing that as long as I stayed human he could always overpower me. 

  "If your going to keep me here I'd at least like a proper chain. I know you like having your control, but sitting against a wall all the time is driving me crazy" I said.

  "Are you forgetting about the cage room? It could always be worse. You can still give in and help me in eliminating the human world and ending this war forever. It's not my fault you refuse to go for that option." Dominick locked the cuffs and turned towards the door.

  "Wait!" I called out. Dominick turned around. "When I first got here I went through interrogation stuff, Candy almost met her end, and a bunch of other stuff happened that seems completely pointless now. So what was the point in all of that?" This is a question that I had been asking myself for what seemed like forever.

  "I was trying to scare you. It didn't work so from there I tried other methods. They also didn't work. You know that I will never give up, and still you keep fighting. It's extremely frustrating you know." He walked out and closed the door. Soon after Goerge walked in. He did not look happy. I couldn't help but wonder why. 

  He walked up to me and whispered in my ear. "Lucas thinks that I'm using my power right now. Because I'm not the energy from Lucas' ability is going to you. I know every inch of this building since I've been here from the beginning."

  "What does that have to do with me?" I whispered back.

  "I'm going to help you escape." Shock filled me. I didn't know what to do or how to react. 

  "Cristilleya, what should I do?" I called out in my mind. "Can I trust him or is this a trap?"

  "You must trust him. He has become a traitor to the cause of the fairy hybrids. Goerge knows that you are his only hope for stopping Dominick. Dominick is going to sentence both his brother and Tray to death later today if he is not stopped. Goerge is powerful. If you want to get out alive then he is also your only hope as he speaks the truth."

  "I trust you, so if you trust him then I trust him."

  "Just be warned that there is a limit and transforming will cross that limit."

  "I'm going to have to become a fairy aren't I?" This was something I had no interest in doing but I knew I was going to have to at some point. "Alright" I said speaking to both Cristilleya and Goerge.

Captured Wings: 1st draftМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя