Chapter Sixteen

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  I watched Siren through the cameras. It was clear after a couple hours that she wasn't going to use her ability to free herself. A blast of power that would be needed to escape would surely be enough to awaken her fairy form. 

  It was morning when I left her in that room, and the darkness of night was going to approach soon. She was still fighting the metal cuffs. And still failing. She wasn't fighting as hard though. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. Siren was our only chance at winning this war. I hoped that maybe if I went to talk to her I could get more information because she had to have been exhausted. She looked that way through the cameras anyways.

  I accepted the fact that my previous attempts had failed. Fortunately I had a new plan that I thought was sure to work. To bad she wasn't the legendary fairy, but she'd have to do.

  I walked back to my room- which is were I had left her. "Having fun" I said as I opened the door. She looked even worse in person although still beautiful. And then she… smiled at me. I was beyond confused. 

  "I figured out your plan. So how long are you going to keep me here? I'm not going to change my mind. The blood of one person is enough, and unlike you people it brought me no pleasure."

  "Oh yes. I remember. You turned Kaden's own ability against herself. Although I wouldn't call that murder. You had to choose between the survival of yourself or your enemy. I probably would have done the same. Also you are wrong. I don't enjoy watching my fellow people die. I've only ordered one person to be killed. He was plotting my death, and I found out about it. I don't have people killed just because I think it's fun. It's because I truly have no choice. As for the others I cannot speak for them." Only part of that was true, but she had no reasonI could think of not to believe me.

  "I see" Siren whispered. "What if I never join you? Then what will happen to me?" She spoke quietly, making it slightly harder to hear her.

  "I have yet to decide."

  "I'm so tired of this. Why can't we put up a new kind of barrier and live here in peace? We don't have to fight. If my true power is strong enough the help you win a war then it's sure to be strong enough to protect the fairy dimension." The tears she was trying so hard to hold back spilled out. Eventually Siren closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  I couldn't get her idea out of my mind. If only the other soon be fairy mothers had given their children to the queen and let them be born a human after the first war was over. It certainly would have made my job easier. Then I could put her plan into action while still getting revenge for all the lives the humans took. Plus I could put my acual plan into action once I had their powers. Siren was as stubborn as ever. She would never willing do anything that would help me with both. I was beginning to see why Goerge didn't like getting suck dealing with her for awhile.

  I took a small key out of my pocket, and placed it into one of the metal cuffs. They opened and released her wrists. 

  Curiosity got the best of me and I decided that I was going to take a look in her mind after we got to the meadow. I couldn't read thoughts which sometimes really sucked. But I could see things like ones fears and nightmares. I could also make people feel things that weren't there. I most commonly used this to scare people and to deal with those who committed a crime that wasn't worth death. 

  I picked her up and carried her to the exit. To the outside. I opened the door to see a meadow shining in the moonlight. It was quite beautiful. Much like Siren. Princess Cristilleya looked so different from Queen River. The queen had brown eyes with dark brown hair and golden wings. All the fairies in the past had golden wings.

  Siren would have to awaken her fairy side at some point in which Cristilleya would be born. Cristilleya was the name that the king and queen had picked out for Siren before the war. I doubted she would change her name though, but as long as she awakened it didn't matter. 

  I closed the door and placed her on the grass. After all the many years the grass was green once again. 

  I tried to enter her mind and look for useful information. I found something that I didn't expect well looking for the information. The beginning of a fear. A fear of me. I would have never guessed it from the way she constantly acted. Always so brave. I was only fifteen however it felt like forever since I was twelve. 

  Siren slowly regained consciousness. She sat up, paying no notice to my existence, and she looked at the moon with an expression that made it seem like the moon was the most beautiful thing in the world to her.

  "It's been so long. I could barely remember what a crescent moon looked like," she whispered. She looked at me. "Why did you bring me here?"

  "Why does there have to be a reason? Maybe I just thought you'd like it" I replied, slightly offended.

  "I don't trust you. I could run at full speed and probably make it out of here if I tried. I know all too well that you would never let that happen though."

  "Your right about that. I'm sorry I have to do this, but your leaving me with little choices left. I will not give up until you fight on our side. Just give up and save us both some time and you some suffering."


  "Then I'm sorry." It seemed that fear was the only way to get to her. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. I unleashed my power on Siren. She fell to the ground screaming in agony. I made her brain believe that it was being stabbed sending pain shooting down her nerves.

  "Please! Stop it! Get out of my head!" How could she know what I was doing? At the time it didn't make much sense.

  "You know how to make this stop."

  "We'll be doing this forever in that case!"

  "All you have to do is reverse my power back onto me, and this will be over!"

  "I won't risk it!" I sighed and took out a pocket knife from my pocket. I then opened the blade.

  "Use you ability or die."

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