Chapter Six

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  "What the hell was that? You call that a show! You people are sick!" I screamed at Tray. We were sitting in the room he brought me to after I arrived.

  "He tried stealing the keys off a guard. Had he been successful then he could have freed everyone and escaped. A situation like that would be a problem. If he was not punished then soon everyone would be trying it."

  "I don't care! That wasn't punishment, it was torture. I can't believe you don't see that." The truth was that I was terrified. After the show I pushed the red button about a thousand times. I knew that they wouldn't do the same thing to me because they needed me, however I just witnessed a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. 

  Tray's words were meaningless to me. All I wanted to do was scream as it played over and over in my mind.

  "Maybe I should have warned you. I get that, but it was necessary."

  "You shouldn't have done it! It would have made no difference even if you did warn me. How many people have died? How many people who did nothing wrong before they got put in here die because of this? Whatever this is. Do you even know why this is happening? Do you even care? What happens when we're all dead? Then will you go after everyone? Oh wait. You already have. Most of the people here don't even have an ability!" The glass light bulbs above us shattered. I didn't realize until now that standing in the room with us was just over a dozen people. They were all watching me.

  The pieces of glass floated back into the air, and they can together. The lights came back on in a matter of seconds. "Do you want me to take her back to her cage?" Someone asked. Tray shook his head.

  "Leave her in here until after tonight's show. She can help clean up. I'll be out in a second." They all nodded and left, closing the door on their way out. "The boy from tonight's show killed two children before coming here. We take some of the criminals with a life sentence, and use them for the shows too. He'll have exactly what he did to them done to him. So tell me, is that really a bad thing?"

  He walked out of the room, leaving me speechless. The door nob's lock turned. I got up and walked over to the door. I knew it was locked, but I had to try. I had to get out. I turned the doorknob to find that it... it was unlocked. I walked out. All the walls and open rooms were empty. I walked to the end of the hallway. At the end was a wall, but it wasn't what it seemed. Something seemed off about. I slowly pushed against the wall. 

  A secret passage opened. Air flowed in. I looked over to see that it was coming from a small fan. I was in an office. In the office had many drawers of folders. Each one had someone's name on it. In the back was a desk and rolling chair. There were paintings of people hanging on the wall. 

  I started digging through the folders. I stopped when I found a folder with the name Cherry Tony. I opened it. There was a picture of Cherry. It stated her name and ability. Then came something I really didn't expect.

  Cherry's brother was found dead on May 10th 2090. After telling police that she was forced to kill him she was then brought here. What police didn't know was that she was telling the truth.

  If what the folder said was true then Cherry had only been here for about a week. I put the folder back and started looking around the desk. "Well look who's here. I definitely wasn't aware that you were going to be here," George said with a not so surprised voice.
  "Oh shit. I wasn't expecting you here either." I was trying to stay calm and act like it was no big deal, but obviously it didn't work.

  "A Lot of people are looking for you. Imagine what would happen if they found out you were sneaking around."

  "I'd rather not imagine it. Not after what they did to Gabe."

  "So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?"

  "I don't know. I mean I wouldn't do anything that would get the girl killed."

  "Come with me, and don't even try fighting because we both know that I will win." He grabbed me by the arm and took me to my room.

  "Who writes the papers in the folders?"

  "I do. To be honest I hate all the technology. It's so much easier to write instead of type. Besides, no one can hack into paper."

  "Why do they bring us here? What's the point?" I asked.

  "I don't know. We don't have the right to ask that." When we reached the room the people from before were all waiting. "Apparently Tray left the door unlocked. I found her in my office." Everyone looked at Tray, who was standing in the back of the room. A man with dark red hair crossed his arms and shook his head at Tray in disappointment.

  "I locked the door. I have no idea how it got unlocked." A woman walked into the room carrying a folder with my name on it. She had wavy, light brown hair. She wore a bright red jacket, light red shirt, a black lace skirt, and red high heels.

  "It doesn't matter. The stage has been cleaned already. It was definitely a messy show. Lots of blood." She party laughed before continuing. She looked at me. "I need you to come with me. Someone is here to see you."

  Tray walked up to me. "Put you hands behind your back." I did so. As of that moment, fighting wouldn't save me. He cuffed my hands. 

  "Follow me." I didn't want to. Instead I wanted to ask a thousand questions. She brought me to another room. This room looked much like mine except for the pole that when to the ceiling. After looking at it for a minute, I realized that the metal pole had stains on it. Blood stains. The woman pushed me to the pole. The pole lowered the ground. 

  She grabbed my arms and forced me down. She pulled my arms out. The pole came flying half way up and then went slowly to the ceiling.

  She smiled and left the room. The wall on the other side opened to reveal a door and another room behind a see through glass screen. The door opened and a young man with brown hair walked in. The people in the other room took their seats. 

  "I'm Lucas. Welcome to the interrogation training room."

Captured Wings: 1st draftजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें