They walked to the back of the camp and started putting the wall back up. “You know, no one as ever done something like what you did earlier” said Daniel. “I mean, people have tried to escape, but not the way you and Gwen tried. Well, no one’s escaped, and Gwen did, so I congratulate you guys, but guess what, she’s not coming back.”

               “Yeah she is” said Anthony. “I understand that you two are in love” said Daniel. “But, she would never return to a place like this.” “We’re not in love” said Anthony. “If you keep telling yourself that, you won’t get her” said Daniel. “Just, admit to your feelings and you’ll get her.” “I don’t love her” said Anthony. “I mean, I do, but not in a romantic way. She’s like a sister to me.” “She’s you’re replacement sister” said Daniel. “Shut up” said Anthony. “She’s not replacing my sister. I loved my sister and she can’t be replaced.”

                 “If Gwen does come back” said Daniel. “You want top know what I’m going to do? I’m going to kill her right in front of you. And then I’m gonna kill your son, and Terry, and Hannah, and the other people from you’re group. I’ll kill them all, and then you won’t have anyone to care about, and you’ll finally learn that without anyone, I’m your boss.”

                     “Why are you obsessed with being a boss?” Anthony asked. “Because that first group I led with my sister” said Daniel. “They pushed me around and told me that I couldn’t lead them, that I wasn’t their boss. Well, now I’m the boss of this group, and I think they all trust me, and I need more people to prove them wrong.” “You can’t prove them wrong if they’re all dead” said Anthony. “Oh but they’re not dead” said Daniel. “They’re still here, in my mind, and if I don’t prove them wrong, I’ll suffer.” “Well, people like you are made to suffer” said Anthony.

                         Daniel looked at Anthony, and then back handed him across the face. He fell, and Daniel grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him into the parking lot. He dragged him around to the front of the camp and saw walkers approaching. “Perfect” he said. Anthony grabbed his arm and tossed him against the wall. He started to run, but Anthony saw all of the walkers coming from every direction. Daniel drew a knife and stabbed an on-coming walker. “Can I trust you to help me clear them out?” asked Daniel. Anthony nodded, and Daniel gave him a knife.

                          They ran forward and stabbed walkers. Anthony threw one into the others as Daniel kicked one to the ground and stomped on its head. Several men aimed their weapons, but Daniel shouted “NO. WE GOT THIS.” Anthony stabbed the next walker as Daniel through one to him. Anthony dodged it and then stabbed it in the back of the head. “Oh you’re good” said Daniel. He then picked up a walker by the waist and slammed it on another walker, whose head fell off and then fell to the ground. Daniel then stabbed he walker he picked up.

                      Anthony went to stab the next walker, but it pushed him to the ground, but didn’t go to attack him. Anthony stared at it, and he realized it was a woman covered in walker guts. “Get back” Anthony said, pushing her away from a walker he then stabbed. “Get out of here” he said. “No” she said. “You’re the first people I’ve seen for ages.” “I’m held here against my will” Anthony said. “You’ve got to leave.” As she understood what he was saying, Daniel killed the last walker, and then aimed a gun at them. “Well, well, well” he said. “We’ve got a nice girl here. And what’s you’re name sweetheart.” “Helen Goodwin” she said. “Please let me go.” “I don’t think so” said Daniel. “Let her go Daniel” said Anthony. “She’s done nothing to you.” “But, she’s pretty” said Daniel. “And you should shut up unless you want a bullet in the head. Now, you two, get inside the camp.”

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