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Sarah's POV.                 Chapter 100

*Later that Day*

Trigger****** warning rape scenes: my bad

I WAS standing outside when the paramedics came for Rudy I saw as they began to load her into the ambulance on a stretcher then lifted her inside grandpa. Had decided that he wanted to go with her on the way to the hospital and keep her company so he jumped in the back before waving goodbye to me as he closed the door behind him.

I made sure that the house and everything was locked up before I left for school grandpa gave me a spare key to leave under the Welcome mat so I could let myself inside later after school and I was doing just as he had instructed me to do.

Leaving the key under the mat my back was turned at that moment for say 5 minutes or so when I felt someone stick something like cold metal in my side I froze instantly he was standing right behind me because I could see the outline reflection of his shadow.

"Hey sweet," Sarah his voice whispers in my ear David's voice we are going on a ride just you and me he stated in a low voice leaving know room for questions.

"Now turn around," real slow don't try anything or else he warned me and just walk got it?

I nod my head doing as he told me and turn around Good girl he whispers again in my ear it sends awful shivers down my skin.

We approach my grandpa's car that was parked in the driveway

"Put your stuff in the," trunk he ordered me as he flies the trunk open looking around to see if anyone like a suspicious nosey neighbor was watching us and then turns he eyes back on me.

I didn't say anything not that I could it was like I had lost the ability to even talk but unstrap my guitar as I remove it from around my shoulder along with my bag and drop them inside the trunk

He slams it shut with a loud bang! I jump terrified at the noise he grabs my arm fiercely tugging me like I was a dog as we continued to walk without stopping once we had reached the front of the car he then opens the passenger door and orders for me to get in I listen and obey him afraid that he might hit me if I refuse. He quickly picks up his pace and steps inside grandpa's car and shuts the door

"Buckle, up sweet Sarah," he says in that creepy stocker voice as he starts the car backing out of the driveway disappearing out of the neighborhood my friends were probably at school already because I didn't see Emily or Amanda not even the Lincoln twins Ava and Alexis as the car speeds off

He threatened to hurt me if I did anything so what I did was stupid putting my life in danger I turn my face to the direction of the window open my mouth and scream

!"Somebody please," HELP! Me Help I'm being kidnapped Help! Please I scream anxiously with everything I had repeatedly screaming Help! Me anybody! HELP!

"Why you," little he growled! I yelped in pain when he grabbed the back of my head slamming it against the dashboard

"You are going," to pay for that bitch he threatens. As he lifts his hand up to strike me and I shrink back in fear of the cold calculated monster before me

"N-no! please," I whimper out crying as my vision blurs blood starts to drip from my forehead

"Sarah," he says his tone soft don't tempt me I don't wanna hurt you princess David spoke I hate to see you cry he says keeping his eyes on the road

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