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Chapter twenty -tree
Sarah's POV

hey are you ever going to tell me just what in the hell took place at school the other day and why is it that you were crying your eyes out Grayson says barging into my room without knocking,

well good morning to you too Grayson I respond with a fake smile looking up from the book that I was reading which as now become my source of escape from reality The lovely bones,

Even though the book is based on a true story,

Grayson I don't mean to be rude but could you please just get out of my room and leave Me alone because I really don't wanna talk about it I say surprising myself at how harsh I sound as the words left my mouth,

Sarah you can try and push me away all you want but I'm not leaving this room until you tell me what happened Grayson responds as he moves towards the bed and proceeds to sit down on a desk chair that was in the corner of the room,

looking directly at me with his soul searching eyes I knew that Grayson could see that I was beyond a shadow of a doubt in fact hiding something why because ever since we were little. There was always this bond that we shared with each other,

Now don't get me wrong its not a romantic type of bond besides Ewww" how gross uh" anyway back to what I was saying we both share a brother and sister kind of bond and closeness one that I've come to love over the years when we were little that is and even know,

Sarah where'd you go Grayson said pulling me out of my train of thought with a snap of his finger,

Well there I go again getting dragged into my own sub conscious thoughts,

Shaking my head in confusion as I looked at Grayson who was still waiting patiently for me to fess up to whatever it is that I was hiding but I refuse to let him know because if he does. It could get ugly,

I remember so vividly yesterday that is on the school bus where he had figured out or saw clear signs of me being the worst secret keeper ever not that what my sister was doing is actually a secret but since I didn't say anything about it to our grandparents so I guess it is and when Grayson found he got so upset to the point where he was even contemplating the idea of kicking Dylan's ass and that's why I'm afraid of telling him about what had happened at school with Dylan almost hitting me in the girls bathroom,

Sarah Grayson says would you stop zoning out like that already and just tell me what the heck happened at school he asked Me while trying not to yell a bit to loudly so our grandparents who are probably awake by now prepping breakfast .... Don't here Him,

Shifting my body weigh from out of the position that I sat in and rolling over completely on my right side so that I was now sitting up right at the edge of my bed stretching out my legs as they touch the soft light pink carpet that covered the floors. I couldn't help myself but curl up my toes in it's warm,

Turning away my face momentarily to think about whether or not I should confess and just tell him the truth because knowing Grayson he won't give up or quit badgering me until I do so,

I sigh" and roll my eyes in annoyance at how persistent he can be at sometimes if not all the time as I prepare myself to tell him,

Grayson if I tell you please promise me that you won't get mad,

Okay cross my heart I promise Grayson's says,

Alright so do you member yesterday in the hallway where I told you that I was gonna go use the bathroom and you left for class,

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