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Sarah's POV chapter thirty-one

I hate my life its bad enough that I have to be living with a son of bitch pedophile but what makes the situation worse is that I'm stuck in the stupid house unable to go to school today because of a very dangerous California snow storm.

The radio mentioned something saying that it would eventually pass sometime between tomorrow afternoon so until then I'll just be utterly miserable and go crazy out of my mind.

My favorite season is winter but right now its just too damn cold in here plus I'm freezing my ass off. There's only one thing that could fix this I thought and that is hot chocolate.

so putting on my coat and boots I then went downstairs to make some steaming hot chocolate with marshmallows because why should I just stay locked up in my room pining away at the fact that I'm stuck in this hell hole of a house.

Upon entering the kitchen I spotted my uncle he sat in the living room watching a football game with grandad acting like normal but that facade is nothing more than a simple mask of disguise or an illusion used to conceal WHO HE TRULY IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR just hiding in plain sight.

I sat on a stool in the kitchen waiting patiently for that pot of water to boil before adding the chocolate and I couldn't help but shake this really bad gut feeling I had like something was going to happen I just know it.

Come on Sarah your being paranoid again I thought.

I don't know if my mind was just playing tricks on me or maybe it was Because of my lack of sleep which could easily contribute to my paranoia but I do know one thing for sure and that is I've got to come up with an excuse to leave the house And FAST.

so I quickly got up and darted over next to the stove grab a spoon in order to stir and pour out the hot chocolate into some mugs. when I was finished doing that I then added a few marshmallows on top before heading into the living room I made sure to grab my cell phone.

hey grandad guess what I made your favorite hot chocolate since it's snowing outside I figured that you could use something nice and warm while you watch the game.

oh thank you sweetheart it's just what I needed grandad says smiling at me.

your welcome grandpa I answered kissing him affectionately on his cheek as I proceeded with caution to take a seat next to the fireplace instead of on the couch while not failing to notice just out at the corner of my eyes. the creepy manner and way in which my uncle was looking at Me from across the room similarly to how Mr Harvey had stared at Susie salmon strangely.

Just before he manipulated her into his trap and then brutally raped and killed her.

grandpa I asked would it be okay with you if I go to the library in order to study for this big history test that I have which is due on Monday.

absolutely not young lady it is snowing way too heavy for you to go to the library in this weather why don't you just go tomorrow after the snowstorm passes grandpa says.

grandpa you don't understand I really seriously need to go because if I don't then I'll fail my history test besides a few of the kids from school are having a study group at the library so can I go PLEASE I promise to be super careful.

Okay fine you can go but only if you promise to call me as soon as you get there grandpa says.

The fact that grandad has agreed to letting me go I can say that right now I'm officially doing a happy dance inside my head.

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