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Chapter twenty -two

Sarah's POV

It was just yesterday that my family left for the airport and I really miss them already,

Aunt Leah had called me an hour late to say that they had landed safely,

Its Monday and I'm getting ready for school so after taking a quick shower I got dressed jeans and a green silk top blouse that matches the color of my eyes,

I'm not the type of girl who's obsessed with doing her hair for it to look perfect so I simply just braided it and then put two rubber bands at each end, as I got up to go downstairs I grab my backpack that sat on the desk beside my bed, leaving the door open just in case grandma Ruby decides to do laundry today

I hate being late for school which is why I'm constantly glancing at my wrist watch every few minutes why because I don't want to get Detention,

Correct me if I'm wrong but as I got downstairs I could hear strange sounds coming from Taylor's room which was only a few feet away from mine, and without even thinking about the possibility of what could be going on in there I then decided to go find out if she was sick or something,

Its too bad that Karma didn't prepare me for what I might see,

I knocked on my sister's door only to find her in bed naked and having Sex with Dylan in our grandparents house,

Oh my god was the response I gave as Dylan turned around and saw me with a shocked and embarrassed look on his face as he got up from off my sister who could barely look me in the eye,

Um" I - I thought you were sick so I came to see if you were okay, but I guess your doing even better don't mind me carry on. one question though did you guys use protection I asked turning on my heels to leave slamming the door behind me,

Trying to forget what I had just seen I went into my room got my sunglasses and ran out. that's when I spotted Taylor standing at the door fully dressed with clothes on this Time,

But that doesn't mean I'm not scarred for life which I am,

Sarah wait can I talk to you,

No I respond in a clearly pissed off voice,

oh okay so are you going to Tell grandma and Grandpa,

About you and Dylan having sex in your room just now no Taylor I'm not going to tell them anything I say in a sarcastic tone,

I'm gonna tell them later when I get home from school in fact I should go,

Sarah please don't do that,

Oh really just give me one good reason why I shouldn't go right now even and tell our grandparents that I caught you having sex Taylor I'm your little sister or at least I was. And you are supposed to be the one to set a good example for me because you're older,

Well what a heck of an example you've set for Me huh Taylor the Loser that I am,

Or so you've clearly put it on Saturday at the mall remember I say sobbing as unexpected tears start to fall from my eyes. Out of everybody in that school I never thought that you my own sister would call me a Loser just for the sake of popularity something's gotta give isn't it,

Like our relationship as sisters that you've so easily thrown way without a single regret,

But I guess you've made your choice,

Without saying another word in English I turned and walked away leaving her standing there,

I didn't want my grandparents asking Me why I'm crying because that would just lead to more questions so I took out the handkerchief from my back pocket that Lisa have had given me using it to wipe at the corners of my eyes,

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