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  Sarah's POV.            Chapter fifty seven

  Thursday morning...

Mumbling something incoherent in the backseat of grandpa's car I wake, up screaming incessantly with a rapid pounding inside my chest I tried, so hard to breathe but its like I couldn't as loud painful "sobs just run out of me." I start to hyperventilate. My entire body was now shaking and it only got much worse when I recall what happened last night.

He raped me that disgusting animalistic son of a bitch monster I scream throwing myself roughly against the smooth leather interior red velvet covers grandpa's favorite color.
 More tears just flooded out of me cascading down my face and I lost it screaming again this time even louder like I'd gone absolutely crazy with my palms trembling.

Horrifyingly raw flashbacks, after flashbacks, came at me the intensity of them so strong that I feel trapped inside, my own head... I can never escape these nightmares I won't ever.

I stayed in a balled up cradled position rocking back and forth for hours fighting what felt like another terrible panic attack episode coming on and I painfully had to deal with it all alone cause honestly deep down that's how I really feel alone abandon and most definitely forgotten.

Reminding me of the lyrics to Ed Sheeran's song) I'm out of sight I'm out of mind..

No body remembers me especially my sister if she had then she wouldn't have just... Deserted me for Caitlin the girl who with her friends viciously attacked and beat me up mercilessly only to record my humiliation on their phones for entertainment.

The ugly duckling getting her ass kicked I sigh and slowly move or shift my body in order to sit up straight.

"Well girl" I stated looking down at a always so playful jigsaw we should go before the very wicked witch of the west rises and finds me missing I retort sadly as she barks wagging her tail happily that it was hard not to smile.

"The only" bright spark in my life right now is you girl I thought absentmindedly as I ran my fingers through jigsaw's shiny black fur you chase away all of the impending darkness that surrounds me even if its just temporary but not... Permanently.

Opening the car door I grab my blanket and pillows with such laziness before climbing out the backseat still a bit tired

Jigsaw then catapult's right from my hands and disappears into the house jumping vigorously through the doggie door.

And as for me I just decided to walk around the back to avoid possibly getting caught by the wicked witch cruella who's probably planning on keeping me stuck in that stupid house today but I won't be around cause I'm going totally a wall... As in disappear for awhile.

Maybe go to the mall or something.

Because basically my intention is to just stay away from the house far away

By tonight there's going to be a celebration in honor of the rapist and if he gets me alone... it'll happen again who knows.

And I clearly don't have anyone to protect me but myself so I'm on my own I guess without any options.

I can't risk being in that house tonight no matter what the circumstances are...

Using my bedroom window for easy access back into the house was clever

I then took a quick shower before brushing my teeth and change into something comfortable

Back skinny jeans a green cardigan sweater with my favorite penny loafers.

Sprinting downstairs like my life depended on it I grab my Jean jacket and jigsaw's dog collar not forgetting to pick up her leash also.


Audrina here the situation for Sarah is getting extremely bad after having to sleep outside in her grandfather's car then to wake up with a severe panic attack one behind the other...All because she was raped again.

So can you blame her for wanting to leave the house? Think about it wouldn't you do the exact same thing if you were in her place?

Comment your thoughts and opinion on that question.

Oh and by the way thanks to all of the wappad followers who voted for me it means a lot you literally have no idea how much I appreciate those votes

Hope you guys are as excited as I am for the sequel... By😉

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