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  Sarah's POV.             Chapter thirty -six    

Thanks for the ride home Jesse I finally, manage to say after, what seemed like an endless 5 hour drive breaking my silence, as I got out of his truck, slamming the door shut behind me, as I Head quickly towards the back of his pickup to grab my bike, hulling it out nice and easy.

After leaning my bike up against the wall of the house I took out the spare key that was under the welcome mat feeling, paranoid and apprehensive all of a sudden, because of being back at this house, so I then quickly opened the door, and got inside, my hands shaking nervously, as I closed it behind me.

I could hear the sound of Jesse's truck outside as it drove away.

Loud Rock music was blasting upstairs, coming from Grayson's room, so I guess he's here thank God, at least I can relax and do my homework.

I threw my bag on the couch, and ran into the kitchen to grab a bottle of lemonade from the fridge, then I heated up a hot pocket in the microwave, before going back to take a seat in the living room to start my homework.

With my Science, English, History, and Biology textbooks all sprawled out on the couch before me I studied like a nerd slash bookworm for an hour.

But something was wrong for some reason I just couldn't seem to stay awake and I don't know why?"

I kept rubbing my eyes fighting the urge not to fall asleep, taking a sip of my lemonade every few minutes but, the more I tried to stay awake, so as to finish my homework, the harder it seemed, to even keep my eyes open, then I suddenly felt dizzy as my vision got all blurry and out of focus, and to make the situation worse I came to realize that the loud sound, of Rock music that was, being played in Grayson's room earlier when I got home as mysteriously stopped?"

Not knowing what was wrong with me, so I panicked and jumped off the couch to go to the bathroom that's when I saw a distorted image, or shadow approaching me and being so dizzy, I couldn't figure out who?" it was as I lost my balance and collapsed on the floor.


A few minutes later

I woke up and found myself in a strange but very familiar bedroom, with my brain just pounding inside my head I'm feeling so confused right now.

"W-what happened and H-how did I even get up here in my uncle's room?"

That's when I heard the sound of running water dripping, a moment later the bathroom's swings open and out walks the monster in plain sight MY UNCLE.

"Oh look your awake finally", he barked

what the hell did you do to Me?"

Now is that anyway To speak to your uncle my dear, boy some gotta temper, he said in mock response showing know regard for my question.

Well aren't you going to at least thank me Sarah he asked?"
For what?" I stated pulling the covers over my naked and violated body.

Don't you remember?" Sarah he said in a calm relaxed and very creepy, voice I found you unconscious and lying on the floor today, in the living room, so I brought you up here in order for you to relax, and have some rest he stated trying or should I say pretending to care about me but I don't buy it.

Do you actually think that I'm going to believe any of the bullshit lying crap, coming out of your disgusting mouth I asked raising my voice.

Don't you dare talk to me like that, he "growld moving swiftly, across the room flaring up in anger, glaring at me daggers shooting out of his eyes.

Why?" can't I remember anything its like my mind has gone completely blank.
You did something to me didn't you?"

Of course I did Sarah he admitted but you can't prove anything now can you?"

I also bet that it was you this entire time, upstairs in Grayson's room, playing Rock and roll music wasn't it I asked?"

Suddenly wishing that I should've made the choice to say over a Chloe's house instead of coming home so I soon

Ding ding ding Sarah you are correct he says loudly dragging me out of my thoughts.

You want to know something else?" Too Sarah he said in mock response, when mom and Dad had called today, I told them that Grayson was here, but I lied he confessed as that sick twisted awful smile crawled onto his face making my skin shiver in cold fear, As he spoke.

I'm going to tell grandma and grandpa everything that you've done and continue to do I threatened him.

Oh really Sarah and who says that they're going to believe you he brags.

My grandparents may or may not believe me, but I'm sure that the POLICE will I stated confidently.

Sarah I highly doubt that you'll say anything, either to mom and dad or even the police for that matter, because you know very well not to cross that line with me because, if you do you'll get hurt badly remember.

And just want makes you think that I won't say anything I asked?"

Because he threatened me, if you do then I'll tell the police, even mom and dad that you, were so drunk to the point where you came on to me things got out of hand and we had sex on the couch, in the living room he lied.

That's not true nothing like that happened I question.

Of course it did Sarah, you just can't remember he stated otherwise, how in the world did you get up here in my bedroom, its not like I forced, because if I can recall you willingly came up here with Me all on your own he lied again.

So go ahead tell mom and Dad, including the police one word, and this all comes out bit by bit He threatened.

You are one sick son of a bitch I Told him.

I don't think so Sarah, I'm just being honest he stated, In a smog manner, as he grab some clothes and shoes before heading back into the bathroom to get dressed.


I jumped out from under the covers and simply bent down on my knees, grabbed my clothes that were on the floor, I got dressed and then left the room feeling absolutely sick to my very stomach.

Hey what's up guys it's me Audrey isn't Sarah's uncle a crazy psychotic insane madman for threatening to tell her grandparents that they had sex when it was the other way around.

Vote for me and comment even give me your input or options advice regarding the chapter but most of all your honesty and sincere support thank you and much love to all you wonderful wappad readers not too mention incredibly amazing writers/ Authors.

Oh and one more thing my updates on chapters are always up on Thursdays through Sunday plus I'm really sorry that I can't interact or talk to you guys because I'm in a predicament where I don't exactly have internet at home so when I go out That's the only time I can get to inform you guys about new chapter updates bye Audrina out😉😉😉💖💖💖💖💖

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