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Sarah's POV.         Chapter forty five 

After all those awful things that grandma Ruby said to me today especially about mom I can't help but wonder why? would she call my own mother a pathological liar and even referred to me as being exactly like her I don't understand what could my dead mother have done? for her to say that well I guess it doesn't matter because I'm not sticking around here in order to find out not that she would tell me anything anyways except to say that I'm a slut.

My bags are packed and I'm taking a bus to go back to Arizona where I belong besides it's not like anyone needs me I've practically become non-existent in this house I hardly ever see Grayson who's always with his girlfriend Elizabeth now so he doesn't have any time for me anymore.

I mean why should he I'm just his little cousin who he probably won't want tagging along with him on his date only to become a ultimate pain in the ass and third wheel that is not wanted or needs to be seen in public because I'm a nobody.

And then there's my twin sister Taylor who ditched me for Miss popular Caitlin stone a.k.a frosty the snow bitch I seriously can't even tell when was the last time that Taylor said three words in English to me ever since she started hanging out and spending time with Medusa and her clique a.k.a minions Madison and Jessica Caitlin's two loyal slaves who do and carry out their highnesses every bidding at her beck and call.

Nobody cares about me so why should I stay where I'm not wanted it's better if I just leave and never come back ever either to this place or this house that has the monster in plain sight living in it hiding his true colors from everyone except me because according to him I'm just his little sex slave well not anymore.

I grab my bags that were sitting on my bed with some money for the bus while not forgetting to pick up my dog jigsaw who's been wagging her tail like crazy for the last hour or so because whenever it is that I have her leash she thinks that we're going for a walk on the beach to watch the sun go down.

But to me we are going on a permanent vacation and just disappear for good where it is that I can actually live a normal life and be a teenager without having the constant fear of being raped everyday hanging over my shoulder like a dark cloud that leaves nothing but total destruction in it's path after the damage is done.

Were as I'm the one who suffers the effects of it's chaos fighting to keep my head above water trying so hard not to get myself completely swept under its dangerous current because honestly I feel like I'm drowning and there's no one to save me.

That is why going back to Arizona is my only option of escape from the hell that I've been going through and if I don't leave now while I still have the chance well then I'm going to end up dead and lying in a gutter just like Flora Hernandez from the lovely bones she too was one of Mr Harvey's many victims.

I had a taxi cab waiting for me outside so without hesitating or holding back not even for a minute I snagged my phone from off of the desk and slowly walked through the door leaving it slightly closed as I attempted to sneak out unseen by grandpa who when I got downstairs was sitting comfortably in his den watching country western movies and has for the woman previously considered to be my grandmother she was busy in the kitchen making dinner.

For the sexual pedophile within this family who's side she took that has her and grandad tightly wrapped around his little finger when he's nothing more than a self righteous pretentious prick wearing a mask of illusion but whenever he's around me it just comes right off revealing the face behind his mask.

Without so much as a single word of goodbye to either of my grandparents who don't even believe that I'm telling the truth about being abused by their pride and joy uncle David I let the tears that were slowly welling up in my eyes to fall and reaching for the door I took one rapid step towards freedom that awaited me and choosing not to look behind I got into the yellow taxi cab with my bags and man's best friend my only companion jigsaw no one even noticing that I'm gone.

I couldn't help it but as the cab began to drive further and further away I then found myself in voluntarily glancing back for some reason at my grandparents house like someone was telling me don't leave you can't go stay your making a big mistake said the voice inside my head.

No I'm making the right choice I quickly retorted stopping that voice which was warning me regarding my firm decision to leave before I hit rock bottom because of having to endure so much pain in my life at only 15 something that no teenager my age should even be dealing with especially all alone.

But I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right so whatever bad life changing event that may happen to take place in our lives undoubtedly serves a purpose we haven't quite figured out yet until you face the truth

And it is that horrible things happen to all of us even if we haven't done anything to deserve it because life is unfair and unpredictable that you never know what to expect.

Going to the bus stop I decided to enjoy the ride out of California and allow the Incredible amazing voice of my favorite Disney singer Sabrina carpenter with her song the middle of starting over that was playing from my iPod as I turned up the volume and let it blast singing to this awesome song.

I don't wanna fight gonna leave it behind I'm the middle of starting over.

Hey guys it's Audrey so Sarah as officially ran away do you guys think that she did the right thing and if you were in her shoes what would you have done?😉😉😉

Here's a quick question what's your favorite Sabrina carpenter song?

The Secret book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora