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Sarah's POV.                Chapter forty

At lunch in the cafeteria I spotted Chloe sitting with crystal Emily and Amanda. Her eyes scanning every nook and cranny of the cafeteria looking for me which is kinda of problem. Because she doesn't have any idea that I'm rogue And it makes me feel bad for not telling her about my alter ego. Besides one to many secrets is bad enough. Plus she's my friend so are crystal Amanda and Emily too.

Even though I'm not sure if I can trust these girls apart from Chloe to keep my alter ego a secret at least until I finish the rogue project. So I'm going to tell them right now and hopefully they won't say anything. Because if they do that'll just ruin my plan which will result in my cover being blown besides I like not having anyone know who I am. Mostly because it makes things a whole lot easier for me. But I also Love the thought of having friends so I'm going to take a chance and reveal my identity.

Holding my lunch tray I slowly walk down the cafeteria approaching the table.

"Hey can I sit with you guys I asked?" Coming in full view of the table. And set my tray down that was starting to feel a bit heavy on my probably still bleeding and sore wrist. Plus after cutting myself again deliberately this morning in the girls bathroom I'm pretty sure that the bandages need to be changed.

"Wait you're that girl Rogue "Amanda said pointing a finger and stating the obvious as if the entire school doesn't already know that. But who also looks surprised at seeing the girl in black standing at their table.

Sorry about Amanda Chloe spoke, What she means to say is of course you can sit with us. I was saving this seat for a friend but it doesn't seem like she made to school today so it's all yours.

Thanks I replied pulling up the chair. Before taking a seat already eating my mouth watering lunch and if you guys can recall. I didn't exactly eat breakfast this morning so it is safe to say that I'm starving.

Taking a drink of my Pepsi I asked?"so let me guess you guys must be Chloe Westfield Amanda Carson Emily Stevens and crystal Pierce am I right.

"Yeah we are and how did you know Chloe asked?"
Because Chloe it's me Sarah I confessed.

"No way Sarah your rogue Chloe said?" In a low whisper  clasping a right hand over her mouth just to hid the fact that she definitely was about to scream.
This is so awesome I can't believe that you're her I'm friends with the mysterious girl in black crystal said in shock staring at me.

"Crystal are you kidding me Amanda whispered this is better than awesome it's totally epic. For almost a month people have been trying to find out who she is but failed. And this entire time it has been Sarah. We're sitting at the same table with Jonathan Grant's very own celebrity Amanda stated"

Amanda I spoke don't you think you're over exaggerating that just a bit. I mean I've heard the rumors circulating through school about my alter ego being a mystery but a celebrity No way. I'm just like you guys a regular teenage girl wearing a disguise there is absolutely nothing mysterious about me other than the fact that I'm socially awkward and shy.
Sarah Amanda whispers again I'm not exaggerating anything. You're so famous in this school that there's even an official rogue website all about you Amanda told me.

So therefore that constitutes you a celebrity Amanda answers with a grain on her face. Eating a bowl of mashed potatoes and corn.

"Not too mention there's also a fan Club established by the football team who are like crazy in love with you Emily stated" joining the conversation.

Don't forget the fact that everybody has been dressing like her to Chloe said. Including my sister Chelsea she would freak out if she knew that I know you.

But seeing as that she has abandon me and is now a part of Caitlin's superficial clique. I won't share any of this with her despite the fact that she's my sister who is also kind of a big mouth. Ever since she started hanging out with that cockroach two face witch Chloe spat.

Oh that reminds me since you guys are the only four people. Apart from my cousin Grayson Plus Elizabeth Thompson and Talia Walters who know my identity I'm asking?" you not to say anything to anyone please.

My lips are sealed crystal said drawing a finger across her mouth to make a fake invisible zipper thus confirming her complete silence regarding who I am.

"Hey Sarah why can't we say anything about who you are Emily asked?"

Well Emily the reason for that is because I have this thing called the rogue project. Where I go under cover to find out why it is that some kids are treated so differently from others by their peers including me.  

What do you mean Emily asked?"

Okay you guys don't know this but when I first moved here nine months ago. The kids were bullying and calling me names in fact they still do. For example I specifically remember being shoved into the lockers by Samantha Simmons and her Squad just before she herself pushed me to the ground. So Emily to answer your question what I mean is that I'm using myself as a test subject in school to see how the kids would treat me Sarah with the difference of how they treat my alter ego rogue.

Even though you guys don't know that there's actually a deeper reason as to why am rogue but I'm not going to say anything about that I can't.

So can I count on you guys and your discretion to not say anything about this at least until I get the information that I need and finish the project.

"Yeah definitely your secret is safe with us Sarah Emily and Amanda stated"

Besides we've been bullied to so keeping your secret will be easy by the way I think that what you're is incredible especially for those of us who are constantly being targeted every day at school Emily said getting emotional.

Thanks Emily all of you for keeping my secret I'll do my best to uncover the truth that would possibly help victims of bullying. Anyway I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping me with the project if you want.

"Yeah sure we'd love to Crystal answers"


After lunch me crystal Chloe Emily and Amanda all ended up talking for a long time. Before leaving the cafeteria to get to the remainder of our classes then we went home. It feels good not having to hide who I am from people that I can trust. But the bigger secret that I'm keeping away from everyone is the one I must find a way to REVEAL.

So Sarah has revealed her identity as Rogue to a few friends but what do you think she'll do about an even bigger secret that she has been keeping for such a long time well vote or comment will she ever tell anyone.

Bye guys Audrina out🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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