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    Sarah's POV.          Chapter thirty-seven 
"I don't understand but could I really possibly have slept with my own uncle"? It can't be true that's the question I've been pondering all day in my mind. I felt suffocated in the house so I decided to get some fresh air and take a walk through the neighborhood for a while at least until I can figure out the truth and why?" is it that I just can't seem to remember anything regarding what may or may not have happened, between me and That evil and twisted to the core Master manipulator, because deep down I can't honestly believe, or even consider the thought, of actually doing something so unnatural and absolutely disgusting it's sick.
Because if there's even the slightest possibility, or chance that I did indeed, somehow sleep with him My OWN UNCLE I'd rather die than to live with that knowledge it would be too much for me to bare, I don't even think I could handle something so awful that's why I'm going to do everything in my power to find out "what really happened today, how did I end up in his bedroom naked and unconscious"?

Despite the fact that my mind was distracted on other things I was still able to observe the beauty of everything around me, I've come to realized that whenever I'm stressed out or worried like right now, my brain would automatically tell me to relax take a deep breath, and just breathe which is exactly what I'm doing at the moment.

As I continue to walk down the concrete pavement of the neighborhood the smell of Juicy hamburgers and hotdogs that were being cooked on a grill instantly hit my nose sending my taste buds and appetite into maximum Overdrive for food.

But lucky for me I spotted an ice cream truck that was just passing by with a few kids chasing behind it shouting, so I took out some money from my back pocket and bought a Rocky road ice cream.

Meanwhile as I glimpsed up staring at the sky, I begun noticing that dark grey clouds started forming above my head a ball of thunder and lightning Roaring like a ferocious beast before sending a heavy burst of rain.

Ending my little stroll in the neighborhood for the day I slowly turned around and basically started running back towards the direction of my house it's safe to say that I was practically now soaking wet from head to foot, but I love the rain so I don't mind.


If I want to find out the truth about what it is exactly that my uncle did to me earlier today, I'm going to have to try and retrace my steps because that's the only way I can figure out for sure what really happened.

My mind is a bit fuzzy but I keep having these random flashbacks moving rapidly through my sub consciousness so hopefully it'll help me put the pieces together and maybe if possible lead TO THE TRUTH.

As theses jumbled up images continued to play over in my mind like a unending movie it became difficult for me to concentrate but I was too determined on finding out the truth to let that stop me so with a strong desire and force of will I sat on the couch for an hour unlocking my memory in order to remember and reveal the truth behind a lie.


I was able to connect the dots in my head and that's how I remembered everything from earlier today

And the truth is that I came home made myself something to eat then decided to go into the living room so that I could study and do my homework, I also remember that I was drinking a bottle of lemonade on the couch, just before I suddenly got all dizzy so much in fact, that I barely could even manage to stand up, but more than anything, that I can remember crystal clear is that each time I had taken a sip of my bottled lemonade, it felt like the whole room was just spinning well that explains why I lost my balance at some point, oh my god I stated in shock, screaming at the top of my voice crying my eyes out because I now know with so much certainty not only what happened, but what he did TO ME.

"H-he deliberately spiked my drink drugged and raped me while I was unconscious how else could I possibly have ended up in his room not voluntarily by the way but just as he had admitted to doing he brought me up there and then took advantage.

Feeling the need to just crawl under a rock and die I walked out of the living room hyperventilating as my body slowly went into a state that I could no longer stop and neither did I want to

I took a really really long shower before heading up to my room a few minutes later grandma and Grandpa including Grayson were all eventually home.
I was lying on my back in bed staring up at the ceiling and I could hear Grayson and our grandparents calling me but the way that I feel right now, I just don't have even the enthusiasm or energy to answer.

And for the rest of the night I stayed like that thinking about what is it that I could possibly have done wrong to suffer like this at the hands of someone, who I always thought was supposed to protect me, but he has become the very person that I need TO BE PROTECTED FROM.

Every single Teenage adolescent needs a measure of safety and protection away from someone like HIM.

Preparing to go to sleep I pulled the comforter over my bare legs loving the warm and relaxed feeling that it gave me kinda like a butterfly trapped inside of its cocoon, wiggling my toes as I allow myself to at least try and fall asleep even though there are probably zero chances of that ever happening, considering my continuous nightmares.

Wats happening guys Audrey here so be honest who's thinks that Sarah's uncle deserves punishment severe punishment for drugging his own niece and taking away her ability to say no not just that but he took advantage of her while she was unconscious

Anyway guys vote and comment your thoughts or opinion on the chapter oh and one more thing if you guys were in Sarah's shoes what would you do let me know your thoughts on that too bye Thanks Audrina signing off 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


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