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Chapter seven

Sarah's POV

It has been just about 2 minutes since I purposely set off the fire alarm in the school's hallway,

And now here I am standing in the girl's bathroom pacing back and forth so much that I'm pretty sure I might have burned a hole in the ground,

The Palms of my hands are getting really sweaty and I could feel my heart racing inside my chest,

So I thought to myself this is the guilty feeling that you get when you know you've done something that you shouldn't have and now there's No turning back,

I've executed my plan successfully now it's time to get out of here so I walked over next to where the sink was and turned on the faucet to Wash my hands and my face,

Staring at my reflection in the mirror at my emerald green eyes jet black hair and olive skin I couldn't help but think about mom,

And this is the second time that I've found myself thinking about her and about the possible connection that I have to someone I never even knew

To be honest I love thinking about her about who she was or who she might have been and to just get to know her and to have that mother daughter relationship that every teenage girl has with their mom,

And on the other hand I hate to think about her because it's just another constant reminder to me that I'll never have what I want most and that I'm the reason she's dead its all my fault,

I don't know but I've come to realize that at random moments like this I get so wrapped up in my thoughts like when I was at the nurse's office where I had completely lied to my sister about what was really on my mind but how could I possibly tell my sister what I was actually thinking about that I Sarah Morgan her twin sister killed our mother,

Snap out of it I thought to myself,

As I was finishing up with washing my hands and my face I thought since I was here I might as well use the girl's bathroom besides I really needed to pee,

Which is no surprise considering that I've spent most of my day on the school bus and in the nurse's office,

Taking off my green leather jacket and putting it next to the sink,

I stepped inside one of the stalls,

My sister's probably wondering where I am or what in the world is taking me so long ,

And not to mention my intense hunger for food I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow,

Plus I really don't want to linger in here any longer or avoid the definite punishment that' I was going to receive and if so I'll just tell Mrs Johnson the truth that it was me,

So I ran out of the stall but not before flushing the toilet and putting down the seat and in a public school like this I think that it's good to have proper hygiene,

After washing my hands for the second time and wiping them with a paper towel I grabbed my jacket and then head for the door without hesitating,

As I was closing the door behind me I saw that the hallway was packed with kids going to and from there various classes,

So I decided to blend in with the crowd like a camouflaged chameleon in the jungle in order to not be seen,

After I got through the sea of students in the hallway that's when I saw Taylor and Dylan waving at me standing at their lockers,

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