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Sarah's POV                Chapter forty tree
"With my head buried in the lovely bones novel and captivated by Susie Simon's own thoughts regarding the tragedy of her precious life that was cut short at the hands of evil and cruelty which only seems to have no end but a beginning because people and Society won't stand up for what is right and put a stop to it. And then maybe if they did a young girl such as Susie would still be alive?"

As I continue to read and indulge myself much further into Susie's world a seemingly loud conversation coming from downstairs caught my attention. No longer that interested in whether Mr salmon Susie's father figures out the truth regarding his daughters death that their next door neighbor George Harvey raped and killed his little girl.

Curiosity that has to do with what the heck was going on downstairs prompted me to quickly close the book and say goodbye to Susie for now as I grab my robe from behind the door and wrestle strainiously to get it on. No thanks to Caitlin Stone who will be forever known as Medusa because she's bad news.

I take a deep breath and then prepare myself for what seems to be an argument between my grandparents and someone else?" that happens to sound kinda exactly like my English teacher Mrs Johnson".

My heart then did a back -flip inside of my chest as I thought about the obvious reason for her visit that no doubt has me freaking out right now with panic because I just know that whatever it is their talking about has something to do with what I told Mrs Johnson yesterday at school.

I close my eyes briefly for a few minutes just to think about what I'm going to say once I get downstairs anxiety ripping my unbalanced nerves to shred only the image of that amazing Maple tree which I had remember seeing in class the other day somehow gave me courage as I slowly reopened my eyes and marched straight down stairs.


Well my thoughts about Mrs Johnson being here were correct because she was the first person to greet me when I came downstairs what a didn't notice was someone like a social worker dressed nicely in a grey suit and small framed glasses who's strawberry blonde hair was pulled back neatly into a tight bun she sat Cross legged on a Italian sofa that grandma Ruby had bought like a century ago in Fiji.

Mrs Johnson sat opposite grandad on the couch while grandma Ruby decided to take a seat right next to the monster in plain sight my manipulative psychotic uncle who made a statement saying that he was just in the kitchen busy making coffee for our guests. That I can bet is a total lie he was probably in there calculating his master plan of how to murder me.

Then afterwards dispose of my blood riddled decapitated body parts without a single trace of evidence leading back to him.

Jesus Christ Sarah you have to cool it with that lovely bones novel for a bit because you're gonna psych yourself out recalling in your mind how Mr Harvey had murdered Susie salmon I rambled.

"Sarah Mrs Johnson asked me are you alright?" The pure concern in her deep Brown eyes held my mine like a magnet as she rubbed gentle circles between the center of my back releasing the pent up tension that I had due to being in the presence of a rapists.

I was going to answer and say No because honestly I'm not alright but instead I lied to myself and Mrs Johnson by saying yes because my uncle who was now standing beside the fire place sent a Death threat warning my way that read if you know what's good for ya Sarah then be quite.

I got his message loud and clear knowing that he was just trying to intimidate me exactly like the last time when I had woken up in his bed completely confused where he took advantage of the situation and started to twist things around in that sick little head of his by claiming that I got drunk and came on to him in the process were we had sex.

He's a master manipulator of lies because none of that's true any of it and I refuse to buy into his little game of blackmail.

"Mr and "Mrs Morgan the social worker asked?" if you don't mind?" I'd like to speak to your granddaughter alone for a few minutes please".

"Not at all Mrs Andrews grandpa stated as he And grandma Ruby got up to leave we'll just be in the kitchen if you need anything".

With my grandparents in the next room talking and that watching me like a hawk sexual predator who is now gone maybe to just build a underground secret place specially design for where it is that I'll be spending the last remaining precious hours of my 15 years of life on Earth before he kills me.

Okay this is crazy I've got to stop reading the lovely bones because if not then I'll be comparing the possibilities Of what's going to happen to me in connection with what happened to Susie salmon all day.

  Mrs Johnson had to make a quick phone call so she decided to step outside for a few minutes leaving the social worker Mrs Andrews to ask me some questions.

"Now Sarah she started off with her first question those bruises on your face and forehead where did they come from exactly?"

I got into a fight yesterday at school with a few of the kids that were bullying me I stated in response not being quite honest about the whole thing regarding how Medusa and her gang almost killed me. And I know that you guys probably think I'm being stupid right now by not telling the truth but considering how Caitlin had threatened to make my life miserable and beat me up again until graduation. I would never be able to survive that type of torture every day So no I can't risk being targeted by Medusa and her loyal subjects again.

"Would you mind?" telling me they're names the social worker asked?

"And risk getting beat up again no way Mrs Andrews I can't do that besides me and those kids don't really walk in the same social circle at School if you know what I mean?"

"Alright then I can see that I'm not going to get you to tell me the names of those kids who beat you up so let's move on next question?" Mrs Andrews stated is it true that you've been getting sexually abused by your Uncle?"

I'm not at liberty to answer that either Mrs Andrews I stated defensively because in your question you just said is it true which clearly implies that you don't think I'm being abused regarding what I told my English teacher.

Sarah I didn't say that you aren't being abused but according to what you're grandparents told me earlier this morning they specifically said that you have a tendency or an over active imagination where you tend to make these things up just to get attention the social worker answered.

I was shocked beyond disbelief that my grandparents would actually say something so horrible about me their own granddaughter.

"What?" I almost yelled at her as a burning anger towards my grandparents boiled within me like a volcanic explosion.

An over active imagination a tendency to make these things up my thoughts repeated those words like a broken scratched record that has been played one too many times.

The mere thought that my own grandparents think I'm lying left me feeling HURT and BETRAYED.

So for the next few minutes I just sat there like a log answering Mrs Andrews remaining questions.

Okay I seriously feel bad for Sarah right because of that statement from her grandparents how could they say she's lying sexual abuse is not something that should be overlooked or thrown under the rug by anyone especially family 😮😮😮😮

Alright guys vote and comment if you like this chapter also break your silence on sexual abused or molestation and make this world a little bit more safe for all of us young adults or teenagers because speaking out stops the cycle of abuse Audrina out by see ya later


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