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Chapter one

Sarah Honey wake up or your going to be late for your first day of school I heard Grandma Ruby say from downstairs,

OK Gramp's I'll be right down Just give me a few minutes,

I sat up in my bed and checked my clock to see what time it was,

It's approximately 7:30am

well I guess that gives me more than enough time to get ready,

speaking of getting ready I can't believe that Taylor didn't wake me up,

that's my twin sister by the way,

I Jump out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower,

so after I had showered and brushed my teeth I decided to go get dressed,

because I had just recently moved here from Arizona with my grandparents about a week ago,

so I haven't really had the Chance to unpack as yet,

and also because It's my first day I decided to go with something simple,

like some jeans and a T-shirt besides these are what I'm comfortable wearing any way,

I didn't have much but it was OK,

and if there's anything that my grandparents always taught me,

it's that you should always appreciate what you have and never take anything for granted,

And so I try never to forget that,

so after contemplating the importance of what I was told by my grandparents,

I decided to Finnish getting dressed,

by putting on some sneakers and my green jacket,

Then I grabbed my hairbrush and brush my long dark hair and decided to put it a ponytail,

after I had finished doing my hair I then went and looked at myself in the mirror I looked great but something was missing,

oh I know my heart shaped necklace and earrings that my aunt Nichole gave me last year,

There was an unpacked box sitting at the foot of my bed
So I walked over to my bed and bent down on my knees
and ripped open the box that contained my precious childhood memories and found a small heart shaped box that held the only piece of jewelry that I've ever owned in my life,

The box was really dirty with cobwebs which was understandable considering the fact that it has been sitting in my Attic back home for quite a while,

I took up the box and opened it and held the necklace in my hands then I gently placed the tiny gold necklace around my neck then I also put on my matching earrings,

Then I walked back over to the mirror and had a quick glance at my reflection and thought perfect,

so after I had finished getting ready I then grabbed my books for school from off my desk and put theme in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder then I headed downstairs for breakfast ,

good morning Grandma and Grandpa,

Oh good morning sweetheart said grandpa and grandma at the same time ,

how'd you sleep dear Grandma asked,

Pretty well actually,

That's good said Grandma Ruby now come and take a seat next to your sister breakfast is almost ready,

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