(Chapter 4)

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I slash at Kylo with my lightsaber until I fall on the ground from exhaustion. "Rey, don't be afraid of the dark." I look up and see Ben smiling down at me. "Does the Resistance really hate me?" I ask. "They are scared of you, and don't accept who you are." Ben responds. "Join me, Rey. We can kill Palpatine." I think about it for a minute, I have always felt the pull to the dark, and I'm not sure how much longer I can fight it. I grab Kylo's hand. "When do we start?" I ask


"When do we start?" Rey asks. She accepted me. She's mine. I don't have to kill her. We can kill Palpatine. "We can start right now." I smile. "Let me change first." She smiles. She comes out a few minutes later with a Sith looking outfit. (Picture above). "What do you think?" She asks. "I like it." I smile, and grab something out of my drawer. "This was going to be mine, but it never felt right. I think you should have it." I hand her a double bladed lightsaber. She turns it on. "It's perfect." I smile. "Come on." She grabs my hand, and we head to where Palpatine is.

"Master, I have the girl." Rey's in my arm pretending to be unconscious. "Bring her here." Palpatine smiles. "Wake her up." I nod, and flick my wrist, Rey opens her eyes. "Where am I?" she asks. "Darling, we're here this is Palpatine, your grandfather." Rey smiles. "Nice to finally meet you." Palpatine laughs. "I see you chose the right side, Ren did in fact complete his mission." Rey steps towards him. "What is the plan to rule the galaxy?" She asks. "The Final Order." He laughs. I use the force and drop rocks from the roof onto Palpatine. "Too bad, you won't be around to see it." I laugh. Rey uses her lightsaber to disconnect Palpatine from his breathing equipment, I use my lightsaber to destroy that while Rey heads over to face Palpatine.


I walk over to face my grandfather, he's the reason I was stuck on Jakku all those years, he's the reason everyone hates me. When I reach him he's barely alive. "Why?" He asks, "you could have ruled the galaxy with me." "I hate you! You ruined my life!" I ignite my lightsaber. "You don't deserve anything! You can burn!" I stab him through the chest. "Be aware of Kylo Ren, he might not have told you the whole truth." Palpatine gasps. "Lying won't save you. Kylo is better than you ever were." Palpatine looks me in the face, then he falls forward dead. "Rey! Are you okay?" Kylo runs over to me. "He's dead."I reply. Kylo holds his hand out. "Ready to rule the galaxy with me?" I take his hand, and give him a kiss. "I love you." Kylo says. "I love you too." I reply. "Ready to take out the Resistance?" He asks. "Yes." I reply thinking of those traitors. 


Hey guys thanks for reading! Only a few more chapters left! Please vote, comment, and share!

-LivtheSPNFangirl ;)

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