(Chapter 1)

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Rey's POV

"Rey join me, we can beat him. We can sit together on the dark throne." I stare at Kylo in shock. I'm a Palpatine, I always thought I was no one and if I had a family history I hoped it would be good, not the leader of the Sith! "Please?" Kylo extends his hand. I hear Finn calling from the Falcon behind me. I jump on the ship leaving Kylo and my fears behind.

"Rey are you okay?" Finn asks me. "People keep telling me they know me, but I'm afraid no one does." I sigh grabbing my stuff and heading into another part of the Falcon away from everyone. I sit and think about what happened. My parents did love me, they didn't give me away for drinking money. They gave me away because they cared about me. But then there's my grandfather. I sigh knowing now why I always felt the pull to the dark.

Kylo's POV
I destroyed my wall in anger with my saber. If Rey doesn't turn to the dark side, then Palpatine will make me kill her, and I don't want to kill her. I won't kill her. I slash the wall again in anger. I drop to the floor thinking of what to do. I need to reach Rey then maybe I can turn her.

I throw my helmet on the ground and head to my ship. I placed a tracker on Rey in case something like this happened. I fly towards her ready for my dark queen.

Rey's POV
After awhile Finn knocks on the door. "Rey?" I sit up from the bed. "Yes Finn?" "Can I come in?" He asks. "Sure." I shrug, I walk over and open the door. "Can we talk?" Finn asks. "I'm not sure I'm in a talking mood." I reply a little annoyed. "Look you don't have to tell me what happened with Kylo if you don't want to. I just want to make sure you are okay." I smile at Finn. "It's just, I'm not who I thought I was...I'm not a hero..I'm not..." suddenly I'm cutting off by Poe running down the hall towards me and Finn.

"Guys we've sensed something on the radar." I stare at him in shock. "What is it?" I ask concerned. "We think it's Kylo's ship." Poe replies worriedly.

Kylo's POV
I chase their ship down to the nearest planet and we land. After a few seconds I see Poe get out of the Falcon. "What the hell are you doing here!" I can see he's very angry. "I'm here for Rey." I say walking towards the ship. "No your not." Finn says trying to stand in front of me, I use the force and throw him out of my way. "Rey?" I ask boarding the ship. She comes around the corner with her lightsaber. She starts attacking me and I'm forced to fight her. After a few minutes I drop my lightsaber. "What are you doing?" Rey asks confused. I use the force and Rey falls to the ground unconscious. "I'm sorry Rey, this was the only way." I carry her to the bed. "You will be my dark queen."

Hey guys
Hope you enjoyed!
Stick around cause this is just the first chapter just setting the stage for the story;)
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Thanks guys
-LivtheSPNFangirl 👑❤️

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