(Chapter 6)

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"Rey?" I ask watching Rey sit on the floor of the training room. "Are you okay? You seem quiet." She stands up, and shrugs. "Just thinking." I step closer to her. "About what?" I ask. "Finn, Poe, and Leia." I cover my gasp. "What about them?" I ask hoping she isn't trying to go back to the light. "What if they are right Kylo, what if we're making a mistake?" I cover my shock and face her. "Rey, we are making the right choice. When we take out the Resistance. I promise you'll believe me." I hold my hand out. "Want to have a lightsaber duel?" I ask smiling. "Depends." She smiles. "If I win."


I smile at Kylo who's laying on the floor. "Come on!" I laugh. "It's not fun if I always win." Kylo smiles. "I was going easy on you." I smile. "Sure say whatever makes you sleep better at night." 

I hop in bed, and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. 

"HELP! KYLO! HELP!" Rey screams. She falls on the ground dead. I see Finn behind her with Luke's lightsaber. "WHY?!" I scream in his face. "SHE WAS YOUR FRIEND!" Finn steps towards me. "NO! SHE WASN'T REY ANYONE! YOU BRAINWASHED HER!" I drop to my knees and hold Rey's dead body in my arms. Suddenly I look down and see a lightsaber through my chest. "You deserve it." Finn says smiling.

I wake up sweating. I sit up, and put my face in my hands trying to calm down. I walk down the hall to Rey's room to make sure she's okay, I smile when I see her asleep in her bed. I walk down the hall knowing we need to take the Resistance down as soon as possible. 

Are you Scared? (Dark! Reylo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum