(Chapter 10)

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Hey guys,
This is the last chapter!
Thank you soooo much for reading my book, and all of you who voted and commented I really appreciate the support! Please share this book my goal is to get to 1,000 reads! Thank you so much again for reading! I hope you liked it, and enjoy this chapter!
-LivtheSPNFangirl ❤️

Kylo's POV
Rey and I bought a house on Tatooine, it's a beautiful little cottage. We're now both Jedis, and love to visit the Resistance base and help out where we can.

2 years later
"Rey? Can I ask you something?" She smiles. "Sure." I take a breath to calm my nerves and drop on one knee I see her shock. "Rey. I love you with all my heart. I've loved you since that day we met in the forest. You are my world. You've helped me through a lot, and brought me back to the good side, I would not have had the strength without you. I love you, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" She smiles. "Yes! Yes!" She comes over and I give her a kiss.

After Rey and I get married we decide to train a new generation of Jedi. We also babysit BB-8 sometimes when Poe is away with Finn. They also got married! Overall Rey and I are living the dream life! She's the love of my life, and I can't wait for more adventures with her. May the force be with us.

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