(Chapter 9)

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Rey's POV
Did he just say join back up with the Resistance he's the reason I'm evil. Deep down I don't want to be evil I want to go back to my real home with Finn and Poe. I feel a pit of sorrow in my stomach when I think about Leia. "Rey..Rey." Kylo says waving his hand in front of my face snapping me out of my trance. "Yeah. Sorry." I say looking at him. "Can we?" He asks. I think for a second is he really asking me to be good. Can I do it? Can I make up for my mistakes? "Yes." I say quietly. "Yes I would like that." He smiles as he unites me, he picks me up and kisses me. "Rey. I'm sorry. I made you into this." I smile. "It's okay. It was me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried to kill you, I don't know why I did that." Kylo smiles. "It's okay Rey. It's my fault, I should have joined you and went back to the Resistance. Or I should have listened to Leia." I frown and try not to cry. "Kylo...I..I'm so sorry." He looks at me. "I forgive you."

We go to the Resistance base, I'm so nervous I made a huge mistake. I step out of the ship with Kylo and see Finn and Poe with guns pointed at us. "It's okay." I say with my hands up, Kylo does the same. "We aren't here to fight." "You sure? This isn't some kind of trick." Finn snaps. "Please. We're here to help you." Kylo says. "We want to fix our mistakes." I nod showing I agree with Kylo. "Do you still have Leia's body?" I ask. "Yeah. Why?" Poe asks. I grab Kylo's hand and run towards the base.

"Hey! Hey!" Finn and Poe shout at us. "We're helping I promise!" I yell back. I run inside with Kylo and see Leia's body I pull the sheet off and try to hold back tears . "If we both do it we should be able to bring her back and live." Kylo says I nod. We place our hands on Leia using the force to give her life. We pull our hands away and watch as she wakes up. "Rey? Ben?" I smile, and wipe a tear. I watch as Ben hugs his mom. "I'm so sorry." I say sitting down next to Leia. "I understand if you can't forgive me." I say sadly. "Everyone makes mistakes." She smiles. "Thank you." I reply. Finn and Poe run in. "Everything is okay." Leia says. "General!" Poe hugs Leia so does Finn. "Your okay!" They both smile. "Thanks to them." Leia replies. "Rey? I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I should have went after you." Finn rambles on. "It's okay Finn, it's my fault. I just hope we can still be friends." He smiles as well as Poe. "Of course."

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