(Chapter 2)

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Finn's POV
"REY!" I scream after the Falcon. Kylo stole our ship and stole Rey.

"Poe." I rush over to him he's unconscious, I didn't realize Kylo used the force on him. "Poe. Wake up." Poe gasps. "Finn? Where's Rey?" He asks. "She's gone. Kylo left in the Falcon with her." Poe sighs. "Did she say anything before he came?" I think for a minute. "She seemed upset, I went to talk to her and she said she wasn't who she thought she was she isn't a hero, then you came in so I don't know what she was going to say." Poe shrugs. "I'm sorry man. I didn't mean too." I shrug. "It's fine, you didn't know. Is there any way we can find her?" I ask Poe. "I have a tracker for the Falcon." He pulls a device out of his pocket. "What is that?" I ask.

"I wouldn't want our ship getting lost. I made it after Han.." I don't push any farther, not wanting to talk about Han anymore, I change the topic as quickly as I can. "How does it work?" Poe smiles. "It's pretty cool. It's a map basically. It will lead us to the falcon." I smile. "Let's go find Rey."

Poe laughs seeing Kylo's ship. "Hey we escaped in a TIE Fighter once. We can use this I guess." I hop in after him. "Our escape wasn't the best last thing we flew something from the First Order." I reply. Poe laughs. "Second times the charm."

Kylo's POV
I put the ship on autopilot and head back to see Rey, I watch her sleep, she's so beautiful. I hope she joins me. I won't kill her. I love her too much. I think of plan to turn her when she wakes up.

Rey's POV
I wake up and see I'm tied down. "Ben? What is going on?" I ask. "I'm going to show you why you should join me." I sigh. "You already showed me my past." He reaches his hand towards my face using the force. "This is why."

I see my parents screaming and dying. "Mum! Dad!" I try to run towards them but the scream changes to Palpatine he electrocutes me with his force lighting I feel pain everywhere. I see my parents again. "No!" I scream.

I see Palpatine killing Ben. "Ben! Ben!" I try to get to him. Then I see Palpatine destroying anyone who won't bow to him. "No! No!" I see Leia "Master?" I ask. "I never should have trained you. Your a Palpatine you are not welcome here." She slams a door in my face. "Your a disappointment of the Jedi." Luke says. "No! Please." 
"I hate you Rey. You destroyed us." I see a bloody Finn coughing up blood next to a dead Poe. "Finn! No!" I sob. "Join me." I see Ben. I try to run and I see a dark side version of myself. "Join Kylo. It's your destiny. Don't fight who you are, Rey." She hisses in my face then disappears.

I wake up sweating, and see Ben looking down at me with confusion on his face.

Kylo's POV
"This is why." I say. Rey passes out. I watch as she cries and screams through her vision. I hope this is what turns her. All of a sudden she wakes up sweating. "Rey?" I ask. I watch her as she passes out again.

Poe's POV
"We're here." I hear Finn smile. We land and I see the Falcon. "Do you want to go?" I ask. "I'll get Rey. You create a distraction." I smile getting an idea.

I find stormtrooper armor in Kylo's ship and throw it on. I give Finn a thumbs up. I walk onto the ship. "Excuse me. Kylo Ren?" I ask. "Who are you?" Kylo asks. I look and see Rey unconscious next to Kylo. "I'm applying for a job." Kylo looks at me confused. "What?" I do a flip, which I luckily picked up at some point. I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest but I need to create a distraction. I know Kylo will suspect a random person dressed as a stormtrooper showing up. So I work as fast as I can so Finn can get Rey. "See I can be useful. Can I have two minutes of your time?" I ask. Kylo looks at Rey and sighs. "Fine." We walk to a different part of the ship. I can't believe he fell for that.

"So how did you even find me?" Kylo asks angrily. I turn to face him and use a pole I found on the way back here to hit him over the head. He falls on the ground out cold. How did the supreme leader of the First Order not expect that? I drag him off the ship and throw him outside.

Finn's POV
I see Poe go with Kylo and run towards Rey. She's tied up, I untie her and notice she's still unconscious. "Rey." I say grabbing her face. "Rey." She doesn't wake up. So I carry her and lay her down. Poe rushes in. "Is Rey okay?" I look at her. "I think so." Poe smiles. "I got him we're good to go." We take off and head to the Resistance base.

Rey's POV
I wake up in a different place in the Falcon I look around and don't see Kylo, I get up and walk towards the cockpit. I smile seeing Finn. "Finn!" "Rey!" Finn smiles and hugs me. "Hey I'm here too." Poe says annoyed. "Hey Poe." I smile. "How did you find me?" I ask Finn. "Poe did." Poe smiles. "No need to thank me." I smile. "Thank you." I see Finn smile but then his face looks worried. "Did he hurt you?" I smile trying not to show anything's wrong. "No. I don't remember anything. He knocked me out, and you guys came before I woke up." I lie, I didn't want to talk about my vision. "Well Kylo can't hurt you now." Finn smiles. I smile back but I feel Kylo through the force. I'm coming my dark queen. My Rey. You will join me.

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