Bonus chapter

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This is a bonus chapter. You don't have to read it to understand the next chapters. This chapter explains how Gendry and Arya got together, I wrote it only for those who want details and also for those who like to see Rhaego playing matchmakers. This chapter is entirely from Rhaego's point of view.This chapter being a bonus, it does not happen after chapter 34, it is located in the week preceding the second marriage of Jon and Daenerys. Last chapter of happiness before the battle against the army of the dead ... Enjoy.


Rhaego's point of view:

In a week my mom and dad were going to get married for the second time. I was very excited for them. I think they deserve to be happy and being together makes them happy. During the past two months, Aunt Arya and I have spent a lot of time together. She is an excellent teacher and I have done a lot of progressed in sword fighting with her. She even taught me how to use a bow and I was even pretty good at it. Over time I started to notice that Arya liked spending time with a boy who worked in the forge. As soon as I noticed it I decided to pay more attention to it, after all my parents were busy preparing for the battle against the Night King for much of the day so no one will notice my absence.

I began to follow Arya discreetly after our training and almost every time she went to the forge and spent hours talking with this boy. From the first time I followed her, I learned that the boy's name was Gendry and that he and Aunt Arya had met him years ago at Kings Landing. My mother taught me that listening to other people's conversations without being invited to do so was not nice, which is why I never stayed more than a few minutes. Just enough time to see how they behaved towards each other.

Unfortunately, it only took a few days for Missandei to catch me trying to get back to my room without being spotted. At first, she was not very happy to realize that I had left without warning anyone, but after I explained to her why and where I had left, I managed to convince her to help me on the condition that I would never do it again, which I quickly accepted.

In the weeks that followed, Missandei and I had gathered enough informations to be certain, Arya and Gendry were secretly in love with each other and neither of them was brave enough to admit it to the other . I couldn't help but comment that their love made them visibly stupid. Missandei found my remark very funny.

Today, I decided that it was time for Missendei and I to take action so that they finally admit their feelings to one another. I remembered perfectly that my mom had told me that I couldn't force two people to love each other and that is why Missandei and I had spent so much time observing them before doing anything. Now that we were sure that they were in love with each other, we could do something so that they could confess their love without disappointing my mom.

So I decided to join Missandei in her room as soon as breakfast was finished. When I arrived in her room I realized that she was not alone. Gray worm was there too. As soon as I entered he looked at me surprised.

"What are you doing here little prince?" He asked me, looking at me suspiciously. "Does the queen know you're here?"

I looked at my feet unable to lie to him. I had complete confidence in my mom and I knew that the rules that she gave me was to make me become someone good or for my protection. I had promised her years ago that I would always obey her no matter what and she had forbidden me to lie. When I tried to put my mom and dad together, I had to lie to them and it was very difficult for me, but I knew I was lying to them to make them happy. Lying today wouldn't make them happy so I decided not to.

"No, she doesn't know." I said head down, sad to have been caught so close to the goal.

I felt him hesitate, then he turned to Missandei.

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