Chapter 4

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A few days later :

Daenerys' point of view:

Tyrion convinced me to let Jon Snow recover the dragonglass who are on the island. I still don't know what to think of this Northman who claims that we are all threatened by an army of dead people. I would like to believe that he is a good person and that I have nothing to fear about the fact that he knows my biggest secret. But unfortunately I still have no confidence in him. How can I trust a man who claims that our worst nightmares are reality?

Rhaego didn't stop asking me if we can go see Jon Snow. He is very excited about making a new friend. So far I've refused every time, but tonight when he asked me again, he used his face to which I can't say no and then I realized he really wanted to meet new people. So I give in.

Once in front of Jon's bedroom door, I knocked and waited a few minutes before he opened the door. He seemed surprised to see me and even more when he saw that Rhaego was also present.

"He really wanted to come see you." I said, explaining our presence.

He seemed hesitant for a moment, then opened the door to let us in. Once inside the room I notice that Ser Davos was also present. He stared at Rhaego as if my little boy was an enigma.

"Your majesty," he said, bowing his head to greet me. "I guess it's your son." He pointed to Rhaego. "He looks a lot like you. "

I felt anger rising in me. I knew I couldn't trust Jon Snow to keep my secret. I'm sure it only took him a few hours to tell Ser Davos everything.

" Hello !" Rhaego replied excitedly, "My name is Rhaego and I love dragons." He said smiling "Do you like dragons? "

Ser Davos leaned towards Rhaego before answering him. "Nice to meet you Rhaego, I'm Ser Davos and yes I like dragons but I prefer wolves." He straightened up to speak to me. "Please excuse me your majesty, but I am tired I prefer to retire for the night. "

He turned on his heels, after saying goodbye to Rhaego and exchanging a look with Jon Snow, he left the room.

I decided not to comment on the fact that Ser Davos knew about Rhaego. I'll have time to explain myself with Jon when Rhaego will not be here. But, I glared at him all the same.

"Can we play?" Rhaego asked Jon.

Jon looked up and looked at me to see if I would say no. I remained silent. After a few moments he answered. "Yes of course, what would you like to play? "

"Let's go do ricochet on the lake while it's still daylight. "

Rhaego grabbed me by one hand before grabbing Jon with his other hand. He pulled us to the lake outside the castle. Jon smiled at Rhaego's excitement and I couldn't help but admire his smile. He was really handsome when he smiled. As soon as this idea crossed my mind I drove it away. It wasn't the moment to have that kind of thought.

We spent two hours playing around the lake laughing until the sun was completely gone from the horizon and we decided to return. Rhaego raced with Jon to the castle to see who was the fastest. Jon purposely lost and congratulated Rhaego, who was laughing loudly. He grabbed him and carried him on his back to his room. Once there, he let him down and gave him a hug before turning to me.

"I don't know where your rooms are, so it's here that our paths separate. Good night your majesty, good night little prince." He smiled one last time at Rhaego before returning to his room.

That night Rhaego immediately fell asleep with a smile on his face. I had rarely seen Rhaego so happy, and I felt a twinge in my heart, thinking that the reason for his happiness was Jon Snow. The man who was currently causing some of my biggest problems and refusing to bend the knee.

A few days later :

Rhaego's point of view:

It had been three days that I took every opportunity to play with my mom and Jon Snow. I really liked Jon, he's nice and funny (when he wants to). But that's not why I always asked my mom if we could play with him. The reason was that I wanted my mum and Jon to fall in love with each other so that Jon could become my new dad. I hoped that thanks to that, they could make me plenty of little brothers and sisters. My mom explained to me one day that to make babies you need a dad and a mom who loves each other. But I began to lack ideas to bring them together. So I decided to go subtly ask Liliana and Missendei for advice. They were taking care of my bath when I decided to question them.

"How do you know if two people are in love with each other? "

They stopped chatting to look at me surprised by my question.

"Why are you asking this question?" Liliana asked me.

I shrugged before answering "Just out of curiosity. "

There was a long silence, then Missendei finally answered.

"When two people love each other, they spend time together, they walk around holding hands, they eat together and they kiss each other. "

"Like when mom kisses me before I go to bed?"

They laughed before Liliana answered me.

"Yes except it's on the mouth and not on the cheek or forehead. "

I nodded, smiling, I had a plan. After my bath, I ran to join my mom.

"Mom, can we go for a walk with Jon? Please." I used my face for which I knew my mother could not say no.

She huffed before accepting. I smiled and took her hand to join Jon who was on the beach. He had just finished digging dragonglass for the day. I asked him to come for a walk with us and he agreed. I took Jon's hand in my left hand while I held my mom's hand with my right.

"Can I go for a walk in the water?" I asked my mom.

She nodded and they let go of my hands.

"Hold your hand while I'm going to walk in the water like that when I come back you'll have hot ones, I don't like when you have cold hands." I didn't like lying to my mom but it was for a good cause.

They looked at me surprised and a little embarrassed. I quickly realized that they didn't intend to hold hands, so I grabbed their hands and hung them together for them to hold their hands. I gave them my most beautiful and innocent smile before running towards the sea. I continued to watch them out of the corner of my eye. At first they didn't speak, they seemed rather embarrassed but they still continued to hold hands. Then, after a while, I saw them start talking more and more, smiling at each other while continuing to hold hands. I made the dance of joy in my head.

Once our walk was over, I asked Jon if he wanted to eat with us. He turned to my mom who nodded before accepting my request. We began to eat quietly before I broke the silence while yawning loudly.

"I'm going to bed, I'm very tired." I started to get up before my mom stopped me.

"Don't you want to finish eating first?" She asked me.

I shook my head and she started to get up to follow me.

"No mom, I'm old enough to go to bed alone. In addition, it wouldn't be polite nor nice to let Jon finish eating on his own. He is our guest after all." I kissed her on the cheek before leaving the room quickly so she couldn't argue.

I hid behind the wall and watched them. They remained silent for a long time, then began to chat and even laugh. Once again, I made the dance of joy in my head. I only have one thing to do before I can have little brothers and sisters: make them kiss each other on the mouth.

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