Chapter 27

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Daenerys's point of view:

I joined the great hall with Ser Jorah. I sat down between Jon and Rhaego at the big table. Jon smiled at me and leaned toward me.

"How did it go with Ser Jorah?" He whispered close to my ear.

" Very good. He was very happy for me. And with Ser Davos?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

"He is very happy for us. He even said that he noticed that you took weight on your belly. "

I instinctively looked at my belly. It was indeed well visible if I pushed my cloak to the side, but once the cloak was in front of my belly it was not so much visible any longer. Jon kissed me, then got up to catch the lords' attention in the room.

"My lords, I have two news to announce to you tonight." He looked at me and gave me a smile before turning his attention back to the lords. "The first news is that Queen Daenerys and I decided to get married a second time here in Winterfell in front of the old gods. The ceremony will take place in a few days in front of the Weirdwood Tree and you are all invited. "

The reaction of the lords surprised me. They looked pleased and some even applauded to the revelation.

"The second news is also about my relationship with the queen." He paused and turned to me. He held out his hand and I took it to help myself to get up. We exchanged a nod before I start speaking.

"Jon and I are waiting for twins!" I exclaimed unable to hold a smile to stretch on my lips.There was a moment of silence, then Lady Mormont got up and cried out.

"Long live the queen, the king and their children !!! "

The other lords began to sing after him. Jon lifted our hands tied to the sight of all, as a sign of our union. I grabbed Rhaego's hand with my free hand and lifted them up like my other hand.From the corner of my eye I couldn't help but observe Sansa's reaction. She simply remained silent, smiling politely. Since Jon had told her to leave us alone or he will kill her, she had stopped making spicy remarks about us. Now she just ignored us all, Rhaego, Jon, Arya, and me. She spent most of her time alone in her room. Jon and I had taken over the control and management of Winterfell and the north together. Tyrion went to see her from time to time but he told me that Sansa was not very open to talk to him since he took our part.

The evening ended normally and I was really relieved that everyone is now aware of my pregnancy with the twins, I will not have to pay attention to hide my belly with my cloak anymore. I was also eager to remarry Jon before his gods in the house where he grew up, in the presence of all his family.

Rhaego's point of view:

Last night Dad announced to everyone that mom was pregnant with the twins and he also announced that they were getting remarried. I knew it was something they really wanted to do so obviously I was very excited for them.

I rejoin my parents in their room, then we left for breakfast. I ate with appetite without really paying attention to the discussion until I heard my dad say he was disappointed with a something. Curious, I raised my head and paid close attention to the conversation my parents were having with my aunt Arya.

"Maybe she will come anyway." My mother said reassuringly, gently stroking my dad's back.

"Honestly, I don't want her to come ..." my dad whispered. "I would have liked her to react differently to you and Rhaego. If she is not able to accept you, then I prefer that she stay away from us and especially from you. If she make Rhaego crying like last time, I swear I'll kill her myself within a minute. "

So he was talking about aunt Sansa? But it was not possible dad couldn't want to kill her ... even to protect me. She remained her sister after all.

"I know my love, and I too would have liked she didn't react to us like that. I hate being the cause of the destruction of your brother / sister bond." Say my mother with a glimmer of sadness in her voice that I managed to see without difficulty ... But maybe it was only because it's my mom and I really know her very well.

"Leave it be Daenerys, Sansa is the only one at fault, she can be very stupid when she wants to." Aunt Arya replied with a murderous glance at her sister who had just entered the room but didn't seem to be in a hurry to reach our table. She stopped almost every steps saying hello to almost everyone present in the room exept us. "I can 't forgive her for what she said about Rhaego, she didn't even apologize for it. "

Sansa finally came up to our table and she sat down at her place between Jon and Arya, to their utmost despair.

I couldn't believe that I was the cause of the break of the fraternal bonds of my dad and my aunt Arya with my aunt Sansa, their own sister. I didn't know her well because I never really had the time to know her. Not that she really showed an interest to know me either. And despite everything I couldn't let them tear themselves apart like that, not without, at least, trying something to reconcile them. I needed a plan, and a great one in addition.

... ...............................

After breakfast, I burst out of the room without a sound to follow aunt Sansa. She went straight to her room and I followed her. I knocked on the door and it only took a few seconds before she came to open the door, looking at me, seeming puzzled.

"What are you doing here ??" She asked, obviously not very happy to see me at her door.

"I came to arrange things between you and my dad and aunt Arya." I said determined.

She didn't seem to know what to do for several minutes. I remained motionless and silent until she made a decision. Then she nodded hesitantly and let me in.

"Why do you hate me so much my mother and I?" I asked her, begging her to tell me the truth with my eyes.

She seemed surprised at the question.

"Well ... I don't hate you ... I just want to protect my family, Jon is my family and I think you and your mother are not the best thing for him. "

" But why ??? My mom and my dad are in love with each other. I didn't even needed to do anything for them to get together. They will even have twins in a few months. They are perfect for each other." I exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Maybe but your mother is a monster!" She exclaimed.

"What?" I couldn't believe she really said that ... My mom, a monster ?? No it was totally false.

" No it is not true !!! My mom is someone great. You say that just because you didn't know her, it's unfair !!!" I cried.

"The children are usually exactly like their parents and in addition I was partly taught what she did in essos. "

"Children can be totally different from their child. My mom didn't even knew her father. She spent several years in Pentos trying to free slaves. What's wrong with that? I think, on the contrary, it's admirablame. "

"She was not trying to free the slaves. She just wanted to make an army to retake the iron throne for herself. "

" No it is false !" I said screaming, no longer supporting her disrespectful behavior against my mom. "My mom is awesome. And if you are not even able to admit that you are wrong, you will lose your brother and your sister. But if you don't want my help to change that, for it to not happen, then too bad for you !! "

I turned on my heels and left the room, slamming the door as hard as I could behind me, so that Sansa would understand that she really annoyed me.

I know it's not a really big chapter but I will uptated the next soon.

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