Chapter 29:

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Daenerys's point of view:

" Speak! What has taken you so long to come here? » I asked in a firm voice.

We were in the Great Hall, the Stark, Tyrion, Ser Davos, Lord Varys, Jon, Ser Jaime Lannister and me. Jon and I had just arrived and I did not have the attention to wait patiently for answers.

"I lost a lot of time trying to rally the most possible soldiers to your cause... your majesty. » Jaime said in a determined tone.

"Rally the most possible soldiers to our cause? All the necessary soldiers were the ones your sister had promise to send us. » Said Jon frowning.

"Indeed, but my sister had lied to you. She never intended to come to fight with you. When I learned it, I quarreled with her and I left to join you. On my way I stopped at all the more important families to ask them to lend me soldiers for the war against the dead. I didn't recovered as much as I would have liked but it's better than nothing. "

" How many? » I asked to estimate the extent of Cersei's lies.

"855 to be precise, well...856 with me."

"How can we know that we can trust you? » Ser Davos asked.

"You don't know it. I know a lot of you hate me and you all have good reasons to hate me but as my dear brother said it's not about who we are or our friends, it's about staying alive and save the living of this country. Let me fight for you and you can make what you want of me if I'm still alive when this war is over. » He said in a serious tone.

Jon and I glanced at each other, then I nodded to him.

"Very well in this case welcome to our rank, for the moment. » Jon said between his teeth, not really happy to have Jaime Lannister in our camp and especially under our roof.

Jaime Lannister bent his knee before us and left the room, followed closely by Tyrion. Bran soon left the room too. And soon enough there were only the Stark sisters, Jon and me left in the room. Jon got up and was about to help me to do the same when Sansa stood up abruptly.

"Wait! » She exclaimed. "I wanted to apologize to both of you Arya, Jon. You are my brother and my sister and nothing will ever change that, not even the revelation of your real parents Jon ... I don't want you to be angry at me, so here I apologise, I'm sorry for my behavior but all of what I did was only to protect you both and especially you Jon. "

Jon and Arya glanced at each other, then Jon turned to me before answering to Sansa.

"It's not to us that you have to apologize it is to Daenerys and Rhaego. "

Sansa looked up at me and I saw all the anger she felt towards me shine in her eyes.

"Drop it Jon all I ask of her is that she stop talking badly about us, at least when we're here and that she become a little more polite with Rhaego. Neither Rhaego nor I want you to tear yourself apart because of us. » I plaid to Jon taking his hand in mine.

I put his hand to my face and kissed it tenderly, smiling at him to encourage him to forgive Sansa. He seemed to still hesitate.

"I'm going to make an effort towards Rhaego. Daenerys is right, he's just a child. She asked me to give him a chance so that's what I'm going to do. » Sansa said constrainedly.

It doesn't matter if she is not excited about the idea, I was just glad that she agrees to get to know him a little, that she gives him a chance.

"Well in this case I imagine that I forgive you Sansa but know that my threat to you is still available. » Jon said to her in a threatening tone.

" Mine too, but I forgive you too... well at least for the moment. » Arya said before leaving the room herself.

Rhaego's point of view:

I was glad to hear that aunt Sansa had agreed to spend some time with me. After several days of hesitation, Sansa finally came to see my dad this morning to ask if she could spend the afternoon with me, which he accepted once my mom asked him to accept and that aunt Arya had certified him that she will stay with us at all time and that she will not let me anwatch even for a minute.

When Sansa knocked on my door I was ready to follow her if she wanted to take me somewhere. I let her into my room when she seemed to hesitate on what to do and to say.

"I'm glad my mom has been successful in persuading you to spend some time with me! » I said with enthusiasm.

She nodded without saying a word and I realized that she had come only for her brother and sister to agree to forgive her and that she had no desire to know me or to spend some time with me. My smile faded with my new discovery and a silence of dead fell on the room. Arya, who was sitting in a corner, seemed upset but she didn't speak a word.

"You know ..." I started hesitantly. "You didn't have to come if you didn't want to, you just have to pretend in the presence of Jon and Arya. No need to pretend to care to know me if you don't want to know me. » I said, getting up and heading toward the door of my room.

Sansa hesitated for a second before grabbing my arm to hold me back. From the corner of my eye I feel Arya stand up and put her hand on the handle of her sword, in case her sister tries anything to hurt me.

" I am sorry. » Sansa said still without looking at me but letting go of my arm. "It's not against you ... not really anyway. But I'm always suspicious of your mother and you and I don't know what to do to amuse a boy of your age."

"But I don't need you to amuse me! I am a big boy and if you want I can show you something fun. » I replied, regaining my enthusiasm.

Finally ... aunt Sansa may not have been lost.

"Oh yes, like what? » She asked in surprise.

"Well, we could go see my mom's dragons, like what we did with Aunt Arya when she wanted to get to know my mom and me. It's working, the proof is there. " I said pointing to Arya in the corner of the room.

" The Dragons?! » Sansa asked not very reassured.

"Yes the dragons! Come on it will be fun. "

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the place where the dragons were usually since we had arrived to the north. Sansa followed me in silence and I could see in her way to walk that she was very nervous to see the dragons up close. Meanwhile Arya followed us, laughing at her sister's worry.

Once near the dragons I stopped and pointed to them.

" Here they are! They are beautiful, right? » I asked her with a big smile on my face.

"I guess they are ..." she said not very convinced.

Drogon looked up and his eyes focused on Sansa, who noticed it very quickly. She turned to me trying not to look panicked but it was not very effective.

"Why is he staring at me like that? » She asked worriedly.

"He must feel that you don't like my mom. He is his the most loyal dragon to her of the three. But don't worry he will not attack you until you don't do anything wrong and that I'm here ... well at least, I think he will not..."

I saw Sansa paled and I decided that visiting the dragons might not have been the best idea to make Sansa to start trusting me.

Sansa is warming up a little and the army of the death is approaching.

What do you think about it?

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