Chapter 24

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Rhaego's point of view:

I didn't really know what happened yesterday. All I know is that aunt Arya had brought my mom back to her room and asked me to look after her while she was going to talk to my dad. Mom had not explained to me what had happened, but I did understand that my dad was connected to it. Shortly after my dad came back and he and Mommy were reconciled, which made me very happy. I don't want them to be angry at each other. The rest of the day had passed very quickly and Mom and Dad  didn't leave each other sides for the rest of the day, like the fear of losing the love of the other had touched them so much that if they separated only for a minute they were afraid of never finding each other again.

This morning when I woke up I decided to go wake up my mom and my dad. Once in their room I was not surprised to see their clothes on the floor. I got into the habit now, they were sleeping almost all the time naked, actually I really don't know why they were doing that, it was so cold in the north. I went up on the bed and jumped on the bed to wake them up.

"Rhaego! The sun is hardly rising What are you doing awake?" Complained mom half asleep.

"But I'm not tired anymore! You promised me we'd spend the morning together!" I complained in my turn.

Mom groaned but she raised anyway. Before she had time to leave the bed Dad caught her by the arm.

"Rhaego, your mom needs sleep. She must sleep more than us, if you want your little brothers or sisters to be in good health." Dad explained to me. He turned to Mom before adding. "Sam said you had to do full nights and the sun is just rising, plus yesterday was a tiring day. Stay here and rest, I'm taking care of Rhaego, okay? "

Mother nodded after taking a look at me. She kissed dad, then kissed me on each cheeks.

"Your dad's right. I have to rest for the twins and I to stay healthy. Do you want to spend the morning with your dad? I'll play with you this afternoon, okay?" She asked me with her soft voice that I loved so much.

"Of course, I want you and the twins to be fine. "

I kissed my mom on her nose as she always does when she is happy and she kissed me in turn on my nose, before laying back. Ghost who was lying next to the door climbed onto the bed and lay down in Daddy's place as soon as he left the bed, ready to protect Mum if anyone wanted to approach her without his permission. Jon stroked Ghost between his ears, then dressed quickly and followed me outside the room.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked me.

I looked at him like he was a little stupid.

"Uh ... I think we should start by getting me dressed, no?" I told him a little lost. Mom always started by getting me dressed.

He looked at me from top to bottom as he noticed just now that I was still wearing my nightgown.

"Ah! Yes of course. Let's go." He said a little hesitantly.

I pulled him to my room and sat down on the bed waiting for him to take out my clothes. He stood there staring at me lost.

"You're supposed to choose my clothes for today dad." I said, pointing at my trunk.

He approached the trunk and opened it. He looked around and take out of some clothes.

"Is that okay?" He asks me not very sure of himself.

"Yes, but I need my cloak too. "

He looked back into the trunk but didn't find it.

" Where is it?" He asked me.

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