Chapter 5

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Next morning :

Jon's point of view:

I have been spending a lot of time with Rhaego and Daenerys in the last few days, Rhaego is an unbelievably kind and innocent child. Thanks to these last days I discovered that Daenerys is more than just a stubborn queen, she is an extraordinary mother and she has a really good heart. As soon as she looks at her son her eyes start to sparkle, she is always proud of what he accomplishes and when she is angry she just needs to look at him to calm down immediately. When I see her smile, I have only one desire: to smile too. She is definetly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Yesterday, when we walked on the beach hand in hand, I couldn't help but smile and feel very happy. I almost forgot about the night king and the coming war, for a moment.

After Rhaego's departure, during dinner, we were able to discuss without worrying about future wars or politics. We were like two young people free of our choices, without any constraint. I discovered a Daenerys totally different from the one I met the day I arrived on the island. I don't know what to think of the feeling I have when I'm around Daenerys, but what is certain is that I absolutely have to stop feeling that way. This is not the time to have this kind of feelings and in addition Daenerys still wants me to bend my knee, which I have no intention of doing.

Daenerys's point of view:

Rhaego had a very strange behavior yesterday, it looked like he was trying to push me towards Jon Snow. It is true that I spent a good evening with Jon and that I got to know him better but it doesn't seem like Rhaego to leave before the end of a meal even if he is very tired. At least this walk and dinner made me realize that Jon was a good person and that Rhaego wasn't in danger after all. He promised me again to talk to no one about Rhaego. He also apologized for mentioning Rhaego to Ser Davos.

The more time I spend with Jon, the more I feel something for him. I'm terrified that it could be love. At the same time I think that's not it, after all I can't fall in love with someone so quickly and in addition he is stubborn, he likes to brood, he is incredibly handsome and he has such beautiful hair ... did I really just say that? It escaped me, sorry.
I decided to stop thinking about Jon Snow and get up when Missendei knocked on my bedroom door.

"Hello, your majesty! How are you feeling this morning? "

"I'm good. I had a pretty interesting evening. "

"With Jon Snow?" She asked me with a smirk.

I nodded, trying to hide my own smile. Her smile grow even more. She grabbed my hair brush and began to brush them.

"Rhaego asked us a strange question yesterday during his bath. "

"Oh really?! What did he ask?" I was curious what Rhaego might have asked.

"He asked how to know if two people are in love with each other. "

I turned my head towards Missendei very surprised by this information. " Really ? Why ? "

She shrugged before answering. "He said it was out of curiosity but I think he had an idea in mind. "

I began to wonder if he had asked this question thinking about me and Jon. "And what did you answer him? "

"I told that when two people love each other they spend time together, they walk around holding hands, they eat together and they kiss each other. "

This time I had no doubt. Rhaego had done everything on purpose for me to spend time alone with Jon, he had even made it possible to hold hands. Now that I think about it again, I should have realized that he had been scheming everything from the beginning. I realized then that he still had one more thing to do on the list that Missendei quoted him: the kiss. An idea then crossed my mind. I'm going to need Jon's help.

Rhaego's point of view:

This morning I woke up very excited at the idea of putting my final plan into action. Today my mum and Jon Snow will fall in love with each other and then I just have to wait a little to welcome my new little brother or new little sister.

I joined my mom and asked if we could go for a walk with Jon again. She accepted without hesitation, that made me smile. We rejoined Jon and asked him to come for a walk with us, which he also accepted. I dragged them to the basement of the castle and told them that I had found a room that I wanted to show them. I smiled, thinking back to my plan.
Once I saw the piece I was looking for I run to it.

"Come on, it's this room. "

I opened the door and let them in, staying behind. They looked surprised and impressed at the sight of the ceiling. I had drawn a lot of stars on the ceiling with a chalk, and a huge shooting star.

"I read in a book that when you see a shooting star you have to kiss on the lips and make a wish. "

They looked at each other visibly embarrased. After a few moments Jon leaned over my mom and I held my breath as I saw their faces coming closer. By the time their lips were almost touching, my mother pulled back and slapped Jon. I took a step back horrified.

"How dare you kiss me? I am the queen you are not allowed to kiss me unless I ask you to. It's not because I've been nice to you these last few days that I like you. The only reason I'm friendly with you is that I want you to bend the knee. "

I ran back to my bedroom, horrified by what I had done.

Daenerys's point of view:

I saw Rhaego run away and I calmed down immediately. I turned to Jon and saw him touch the cheek I had slapped.

"You have not been easy on me. It hurts. "

I put my hand gently on his cheek and excused myself. "I'm sorry, I tried to go gentle but I apparently failed." I smirk.

He laughed softly. "You should go to Rhaego and explain to him that we have been pretending to teach him a lesson. "

I nodded. Then after a moment of hesitation I kissed his sore cheek before turning on my heels and going to meet Rhaego in his room, to explain myself with him. I didn't like tricking my son but he had to understand that he should not interfere with other people's relationships. When I discovered that Rhaego had purposely pushed us towards each other, I decided to act an argument with Jon so that he understood that he couldn't meddle with the lives of others in this way.

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