Chapter 47

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Daenerys' point of view:

"What about we go for a little walk Daenerys? Just you, me and the twins." Daario said without stopping to smile. "Or we can go without the twins." He added before I could answer. Putting his free hand on the pommel of his arak (I know I probably write it wrong but I don't know how to write it, sorry) significantly, while defying to refuse with his eyes.

" Of course." I replied, trying to  not lash out at him. "Let me go put the twins in a safe place and we can go for a walk." 

" Oh no. They will stay with us for now. But you are free to hold one. Which of the two do you prefer? Personally I have a preference for this little guy. " He said, pointing to Lyella who was still in his arms.

"She is a girl and I have no preference I love both of them the same way." I replied, more upset than ever.

" Oh ! It's a girl ?!... Well, it's still  the one I prefer. And don't lie to me Daenerys we are between us here. Parents always have a favorite even if they deny it ... Unless Rhaego is your favorite? After all, he is your elder, he will always have a special place in your heart. "

" I am not lying. I have no favorites, I love my three children the same way. I would give my life for each of them. "

"In this case you will take this little guy ... or this little girl, whatever." He said, pointing to Nedys.

" It's a boy." I said as I walked over to the bed where Nedys was lying to take him in my arms. As soon as I took him in my arms I checked him to see if he was not hurt. "You don't have to hold Lyella, I can hold both at the same time." I said hoping he would give her to me. I couldn't try to attack him or do anything to him while he had Lyella in his arms. It was far too dangerous.

"Lyella ?!" He asked surprised. "I like it, it's an original name. But no Daenerys I will keep her, she loves being in my arms. What is your son's name? "

"His name is Nedys." I replied, trying to think of another way to get Lyella back.

"Original." He replied before grabbing my arm with his free hand and pulling me toward the door.

We crossed the corridor to the stairs in silence. Once I got to the stairs I heard the sound of a battle. The sound of blades against other blades. It came from above us. I knew that the only people who should have been above us were Arya, Maya and Rhaego. I started to panic imagining that they were being attacked. Daario noticed that I was not moving anymore and he pulled my arm again so that I went down the stairs with him.

"Don't worry Daenerys, I asked my men not to kill Rhaego. He is your son and I know you care a lot about your children, I only want your happiness." He said, giving me a smile that seemed sincere but still made me want to rip him apart.

"If you want my happiness then give me back Lyella and let me join my family." I said, trying to say it nicely. Even if I didn't really believe it would work, if there was a chance that he would give my daughter back to me and that they would leave us alone it was worth a try.

"Don't worry Daenerys, soon we will be reunited you, me, the twins and Rhaego. We will form a beautiful little family and we will be able to reclaim your father's throne together. If you want we can even have other children together, as much as you want." He said with a hopeful voice.

"You are not a part of my family Daario and you will never be a part of it! I love Jon and nothing you do can ever change that. I don't want to have children with you. The only person I want to have kids with is Jon." I replied, my voice full of anger. He seemed to hurt him for a few moments before his eyes filled with anger again.

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